So EVERYONE HERE knows I play video games. I have been a game - TopicsExpress


So EVERYONE HERE knows I play video games. I have been a game since...well since I first played pong and my great grandmas house waaaaaaay back when like was much more innocent than i could comprehend. But WHY do I play? Why do I continue to play games and express my love for it, even though it isnt a life goal to be paid to play, even though at one point in my life WAS being paid to do so? Am I not scared that it makes me more of a geek or nerd and it will make me less attractive or something along those lines, or if it will piss off anyone I happen to be with at the time? WELL first things first. I am probably one of the biggest nerds I know. In the sense that I take time out of my life to just read and learn random shit, and just being a big part of video game and scifi lore and such. That shit intrigues me, and video games allow me to, in a sense, directly interact with those things. I works my brain out, forces me to think, and makes me feel like I am a part of the lore that I spent so long reading and admiring about. I dont want to get paid to play games, because this is purely a hobby for me. The moment I start getting paid, I lose sense of one of the reasons why i started playing video games to begin with, and it becomes a job, and it starts to become a mandatory thing. Gaming is an escape for me. An escape from my job when it is too stressful, from my brain from over thinking about life being too hard, from my heart from feeling more lonely than I am, and from time when I want to waste it away. I feel at some point, it pissed off almost every girlfriend I have ever been with, in the sense that games took away time from them that they could be sending with me. But the thing is, I ALWAYS try to get my significant other to JOIN in what I do. I am a pretty versatile gamer, and I would show them all sorts of games, from strategy, to RPG, to shooters, etc. But they dont share the same sense of fun that I get when I play these games. And it is a shitty thing, but I dont spend ALLLLLL my time with the games, and I DO get off to spend time with them, but the moment that I happen to deny them the 1 time to go to my personal escape, I feel that they feel resentment to my decision to bring myself back into peace per say. With that being said, if they cant share what I have, or accept it, then I would be changing what I am for them, and I couldnt do that to myself, or them for that matter. But WHYYYYY do I play? Video games most importantly make me feel like a bigger person than I am sometimes. It makes me feel like the most bad ass soldier on the battlefield. The hero of a worldwide crisis. The savior of a princess in a castle. They draw me into a vast story that captivates me and strives me to continue to save the objective at hand, and feels better than almost anything when I am the reason this story came to a happy(or sad sometimes) ending. And I can utilize these lessons in real life sometimes. Beating a game makes me feel that MY LIFE in itself, is an RPG, in which I am the main character, and every single one of you is an NPC (non playable character) that hops onto my party, to help me achieve MY story line, and which MY game can come to a happy (or sad) ending. Every one of you arent the best at everything, but bring something to the table that will help me reach the ending to my story. Either you have already served your purpose, or you have yet to, but you are all still a part of it regardless. Video Games allow me to see the light at the end of the tunnel in the best way possible. It helps me keep going, and it helps me beat the bad things in my life in more ways than one. So saying Im a nerd or a geek doesnt faze me, because Im at least a nerd or a geek that knows where they are going, and my progress is saved every time I wake up and tackle the next day. https://youtube/watch?v=5237hmNkCms&index=2&list=PL4B78DE14896D5031
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:52:42 +0000

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