So I am completing the rest. Anyone who did not read the first - TopicsExpress


So I am completing the rest. Anyone who did not read the first part can read from the link. First I apologize to Mr. and Mrs. Crammer. I write while having two kids pushing me, and write mostly with one hand. I hardly get a chance to read while I write. Thank you rest of you for making sense from the sloppy writing, especially if you are not a woman who, before reading the half, could know the rest from her own experience. My husband did show up at 2 am, but without medicine. He forgot. I was awake, but just put my back on a bed, with my son on my chest, and did not want to wake him by making any sound. My husband thought we were asleep. So he went to sleep in his room too. My boy woke up in minutes. If I walked he would not cry loudly. My daughters were sleeping. So I passed another couple of hours walking. Then walking stopped working too. I desperately looked for medicine, and a prayer by a loving sister sent inbox was answered. I found a old infant acetaminophen , and it was not expired. I gave him medicine at 4 am, and he felt better right away. we both fell asleep. We woke up at 8 in the morn. We were late. My older one started crying since she was late for her school. My husband took her to school, and on the way bought Tylenol. I read the comments and the names of the people who like my posts. It was shocking reading the kind of comments people make. There are people who sympathize, and there are people who dine on others tragedy. How a post like the one earlier motivated a man to invite me on skype is beyond my knowledge. We write things to help each other for problem solving, to learn from each other. There are people who will read my post and jump to conclusion against my husband and will give me the best counsel to leave him. Yes it is the easiest counsel for a lazy-to-problem-solving ones. You are reading all this things because I can type this problems out for hundreds of women, if not millions, only US alone. They cant write it for the fear that if they write it at night they may not see the next sun rising. But I am talking about it in public, fair enough. What I notice in this society is there is a huge discrimination against kids and elderly. Both kids and elderly are grinned at, not smiled. This tendency is more with the rich, and I feel shy to say that so far I have seen this with the White people more. The young people are very appreciated and admired. After this Long Island City has changed, we saw color people and elderly self-exiting in dozens. What self-exiting means I would not know unless I would see the change in this, then, poor neighborhood. The new comers brought growth in money, change in the structures and now fighting to preserve the GREEN. The other day we received a letter from our representative who claimed to keep his fight to progress the growth of this neighborhood, and preserve the Green that he was doing. He did preserve the green, but not nature. All our natural fields here are now covered with synthetic green grass. Growth also continues- there are many clubs for young people now, formal or informal. One club boasts in public that it is the only club in this state that is naked.... The child care also grows as the new money makers enter this neighborhood. The charge for baby sitting is $15.00/hr/child, and day care center $100.00/day (daily basis/ eight - nine hrs) There is the same library with the tiny-one-room shared by people of all age. Toddlers are the worst enemies of the elderly. Toddlers talk. The librarians are kind to kids, but elderly are unforgiving. The parents are given shush and strong look by the elderly, and they dont not dare to go back. I dont blame the elderly. Look at the neighborhood, how many elderly center is established here? zero. How many child friendly stores of kids play ground with winter shield? Zero. The young people live for money-making, and dream to dream that they never grow old, and to erase memory that once they were kids too. Do any law makers think of the children - where do they play during the winter? They are not allowed to walk in their own apartment because there are young couple living next door who hear vibration from kids walking; kids cant use outside play ground because of the bitter cold; they are defacto banned in the library because the elderly find them irritating- where do they go? They hibernate during winter. My toddler literary does. She would not eat, or make poop. I am ashamed to say, but I am saying for hundreds of American mothers- I am spelling out for them. I see the intense thirst in my toddler to run, to hop. When the PBS Kids show energize the kids to exercise, I see a glaze in my daughters eyes- an intense thirst to follow them, hop with them, run with them, jump with them. I told her to jump on my bed anytime she feels like; I saw that need in her. With guilt and shame, I allowed her to jump the much she wants on sofa too. Before telling her to do that I checked it properly, and found that my sofa and bed are soo stuffed that none of them make sound when she jumps there. Every time she goes to the bed to jump, it brings tear in my eyes, a tear that is witnessing a mothers pain for not being able to give quality childhood to her children.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:56:21 +0000

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