So I had a confrontation with the goddess today. The following is - TopicsExpress


So I had a confrontation with the goddess today. The following is an account that I can only say is fully true; with some artistic license. The noon sun would not break through the clouds this day, dampness lingered heavily in the air occasionally strengthened by mists and sure rain. The dry moments were but a morsel of meat in a meal of bread. A knock at the main door roused the temple priest, a devout young man with firm conviction and unkempt hair. He had his suspicions; who would be calling at this hour in the mid-week? To his surprise it was a courier with a parcel sent for only two days prior. This was no regular package, for it contained a divine artefact of great power. Surely Hermes himself had hastened its arrival. Pleased, the temple priest took the parcel and bestowed a blessing on the courier from the goddess. The priest opened the parcel to find it there before him in all its glory; the gods-lead, a divine tether powerful enough to restrain and dampen the powers of the Olympians. This was needed for the goddess’s outing amongst the mortals, only it could keep them safe from the beauty of Aphrodite that would otherwise render them stupefied (and in no way had anything to do with restricting the goddess from trying to fly away or otherwise preventing her coming to harm). Devout Follower: Goddess; it has arrived! We can venture out from this place into the world of men. Aphrodite: What is it my most trusted priest, who I TRUST and in no way think would ever betray? D: It is this; the gods-lead! We just put this… A: Are you insane!? Get that away from me. D: But goddess, it is only to… A: I will kill you where you stand mortal… but lovingly as befits my divine attributes. D: We cannot go out from the place without it. A: Fool, I do as I wish. You seek to overthrow me with that damnable thing; I see past your tricks traitor! D: Goddess please, there is no other way. Just let me get this like so… And adjust here… (Sounds of a scuffle echo throughout the holy halls) D: Gah! A: Behold I have drawn first blood! You weep now, but it will soon be over for you mortal… D: Wait! It’s actually quite fashionable on you, and there are ripe blackberries at Buttertubs marsh… A: I do look good in black. And I do like berries… You failed to mention the berries earlier. D: Yes my goddess, which is because I am mortal and weak of mind; please forgive me. A: You are forgiven. Let us proceed to this place called Buttertubs
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 01:42:17 +0000

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