So I had to share the end of this revelation I was - TopicsExpress


So I had to share the end of this revelation I was crying- tears streaming down my face and I knew I need to share this with you all....during my prayer time this morning- before my reading assignment today- with my 3 different sources on my apps- the same scripture came up- God is sooo amazing to me- he loves me soo much that he would do that - Phil 3:13-14.....Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal, to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus...... Having no confidence in the flesh- and doing what needs to be done- on a bigger scale I sat and pondered and then this came up NEXT.... n Christ, We’re Able to Get the Job Done Joyce Meyer: Jesus didn’t come to set us partially free from sin. He died to set us completely free. And when God calls us to do anything in life, He’s not asking us to do it halfway. Romans 12:1 AMP says, “I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.” Paul is making the point that it’s reasonable for you and me to dedicate ourselves to do God’s will. It’s not radical or over the top. That’s why we’re here―to be beacons of His light, shining in a dark world. So we need to follow through with what God calls us to do. I have heard over the 10 years sooo many times that a person feels that they were brought to our business for a Reason and they believe that divine intervention took place, but when it came down to booking the 10 events or getting out of their own way to talk to people and share and give hope and a truly be a Beacon of Light...they stopped themselves short and allowed all of the excuses and obstacles to become the REASONS to Not give God a Chance to shine thru them to others.....they would stop the Flow, the promise, the Gift that we are called to give.....I know I did!! The truth is, we will never experience the fullness of joy and freedom that’s available to us in Christ if we refuse to do what God tells us we should do. And whatever God asks us to do is for our good. He always has our best interest at heart. Maybe you have someone in your life you need to forgive. Or you simply need to start eating right or be a better steward of your time, talents and resources. Or maybe you’re settling for less in a certain area of your life when God wants you to follow His plan to do something greater. I could give you hundreds of examples. But the bottom line is, with God’s help, we are able to do everything He asks us to do. And we need to be diligent about PRESSING IN to do whatever it takes to get the job done right. Why Not Just Pray for a Miracle? Everybody loves miracles and it’s tempting to ask God to do the work for us, but I’ll tell you a secret: Miracles don’t mature you. For years I didn’t understand that. I just couldn’t figure out why I had to work really hard for my breakthroughs when God could just do it in a moment. But His ways are above our ways, and He has a purpose in everything He does! There’s nothing better than having the peace, righteousness, joy and satisfaction of knowing you’ve finished what God has given you to do. The reward is so much greater than whatever price you have to pay. It may not feel good while you’re going through the process of getting there, but when it’s over, you have that satisfying feeling of knowing you did what God put in your heart to do. You can sit back, relax and watch God move! I want to encourage you to partner with God to take care of any unfinished business you may have in your life. It’s amazing how quickly you can experience freedom if you will simply do what God has asked you to do by His grace, and finish what you start. All of this brought me to tears- I know that he is speaking to me and he wants me to Trust him- just DO and not to GET BACK, to what my mind has been focused on- You see I have been so focused on Getting Back my Business to where it was....Have the organization that I use to have, having the trust of my team the way they used to trust me, having Belief in myself and my talents the way I use to have, and believing in myself the way I use to....OH NO MY FRIENDS...His plan is much, oh so much bigger....This time around HE has way more in store for me and my vision is growing daily , hourly not only due to his Word to me and his promises - which Duh I am finally listening to and understanding, He doesnt Want me to a BACK WHEN state- he wants me to do what I need to do to Get to Where He wants to take me... that has given me my STRUCTURE DIRECTION that I needed to get in Gear.....I am taking the emergency brake off of the car and letting her go!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:26:21 +0000

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