So I saw NOAH last night and one of the things I really liked - TopicsExpress


So I saw NOAH last night and one of the things I really liked about it (and cant stop thinking about) was how Aronofsky encapsulates the messiness of human experience interacting with the spiritual world. I actually felt it was a very realistic in that sense, because thats pretty much what we have seen all throughout church history --- even up to today! What do I mean by that? Before I get into it, if you havent seen the film and are planning on it, dont read past this point; I dont want to spoil anything for you! However, for everyone else, in the unfolding narrative Noah is given instruction (in parabolic dreams) by God to build an ark due to the fact that God is going to bring a flood upon planet Earth. Noah begins his quest, but totally misinterprets Gods true intentions for mankind, as he originally believes Gods will is to rid Earth of humans once and for all, INCLUDING Noah and his family. In other words, Noahs family will be the FIRST and ONLY humans to behold the new, post-flood world, and then will die because Earth is pretty much better off without us. However, this point of view changes at the end of the story when Noah realizes Gods plan was to preserve the human race by SPARING Noahs family. The coolest part about this is that despite all of Noahs misinterpretation, mistakes, and human weaknesses, God was still able to use him anyway to fulfill His purposes. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is doing REAL LIFE with Jesus! You know, in the Bible Paul says that we only see the spiritual world in part (1 Corinthians 13:9), and that part in which we are beholding is like looking through a darkened glass (1 Cor 13:12). In other words, we are only seeing a slice of what God is trying to say to us, and that slice is being interpreted through a skewed lens of humanity. And often times, we dont find out what God truly meant till His plans are accomplished and we look back and realize just how much we didnt understand in-process. I think this really goes to show us that God isnt afraid of messes and can use anyone to do anything, piety NOT required. In fact, the Bible is LOADED with tales of God using people with terrible qualities to accomplish His will on Earth simply because they were willing. And better yet: How many times have even the best among us created whole movements and doctrines off of a piece of truth OUT OF CONTEXT? LOL! That happens ALL the time, actually, and was for me one of the best things about this movie; it was a great object lesson concerning Gods ability to accomplish His purposes despite mans imperfection! I really dont think the director realizes what God has even used him to do -- LOL! Welp, thats it for NOAH. Now, bring on GODZILLA!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:28:37 +0000

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