So, Ive discovered that I can only watch, like, an hour and a half - TopicsExpress


So, Ive discovered that I can only watch, like, an hour and a half of parade before I have to get up. Im suffering from parade-overload this morning. I then went out on our deck where it is so quiet that the main sound I heard was the fluttering of wings as chickadees jockey for position among the bare branches of the aspen. Then I came back in and played with my deck plants that have been brought in for the winter (but not before the first freeze of the year). Finally, I could totally acknowledge what is coming back and what is dead as a doornail. I trimmed the living and pulled up the dead and planted the two geranium sticks that I pulled up from my community plot down in town. Have I mentioned that I love geraniums hardiness. Cut off a long branch, plant it and it will not die, it will grow and flourish, then dig it up at the end of the short growing season we have here, stick it in a vase of water and its happy to hang out in that as long as I want. I could have waited till next spring and them replanted down in town. But, I had some bare patches in my pots from the plant that were too willing to give up the ghost because they got a little cold and used the geraniums accordingly. Are you asking why arent I cooking? Well, its because we had our Thanksgiving last Saturday. We like to have Thanksgiving with friends and shes an E.R. nurse so shes working today and tomorrow so we had it last Saturday. So, what Am I eating today? Leftover sesame chicken from last nights Coal Mine Dragon take-home and for dessert, I shall have a new flavor of Noosa yoghurt, lemon. Doesnt that sound good? Oh, and Im thankful for the hardiness of geraniums.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 18:21:08 +0000

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