So , a few years back, August 2011 , my grandma died. It was the - TopicsExpress


So , a few years back, August 2011 , my grandma died. It was the first time i had seen anyone close to me dying. I took it hard but it didnt totally change me. A few months later ( Feb 2012) i was sleeping in the bed up in the loft. I was about to drift off when i heard this light clacking sound. It took a while but i soon recognized the sound was of the swinging garbage can lid in the kitchen. So i got up to inspect it thinking that maybe we accidentally let a cat in..but there was no cat. Checked near all the doors because all our cats are outside cats and they dont like to stay inside for more than a minute before they are at the door meowing. So i checked and went back up to bed. The clacking started again...then i heard BAM ! So i ran back downstairs to find the garbage lid had somehow traveled out of the pantry to the center of the kitchen floor. I thought this HAS to be a cat . So this time i checked the whole house THOROUGHLY. No cat. I was tripping now. The hair went up on the back of my neck. I had to get back to bed so i went back up to bed. Just as things got quiet , i heard the muffled whistling sound that only my grandma and great grandma made when they were working or puttering around. I freaked out for a bit but then a calm washed over me...i realized it was grandma. She paid me a visit. I hadnt felt so calm and happy in a long time. There were a couple of other incidents that happened after that- i heard the handle of my chester drawers making noise but ignored it as something else. Later when i went into get socks , the handle and screw were sitting neatly inside my sock drawer. Grandma. Not too long after i was searching for a steelhead plug that was a real runner . I had a certain place i put it. It wasnt there. Checked all over , went to the boxes and plug boxes in the garage, nothing. Go back in, give the box a once over again. Nothing. Shut the box, go to sleep. Next morning i wake up- the plug was sitting neatly on top of my box. I know FOR A FACT i didnt put it there. Grandma again. So when we were coming home back after dad died friday, we were on south 28th when one of the railroad lights ( not both, just the left light on the right side set of lights ) starts flickering for just a moment. I didnt say anything to mom as i didnt think it was appropriate. I didnt say anything until after i saw what is on the video i uploaded here.This happened this evening when most of the kids were here. Its not wind as you can see the trees not moving. No kids or animals were on the side of the pool or anything and the waves are not small. This time i had witnesses and video. My mom was blown away by this and so were the kids. Right before dad died i was struggling with my spiritual back on track now. Dad is truly with us in spirit but i still miss him so much. Want to hear his voice and talk to him so bad. Enjoy this clip. Not faked in any way.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 09:53:34 +0000

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