So a week ago my oldest son and I went to a Golden State Warriors - TopicsExpress


So a week ago my oldest son and I went to a Golden State Warriors game with a new church that we have been attending. It was a fellowship night with the Warriors. I thought to myself this will be cool to catch a basketball game and hear a story of Christs redemption for a soul. As the game finish we all who were going to attend got to go court side. I would guess about 600 people were there. A Coach came out and began to preach. I found out not only is he a coach but also a pastor. Im thinking to myself wowin a good way. He was fired up and got the people in the front to jump and scream but through his whole message which was about 50 +mins long Christ name was used only twice that I could recall. Instead of preaching the gospel of Christ he was preaching the gospel of prosperity. I saw a lot of people who did not hear the promise of Gods forgiveness of sins and Grace through faith in Jesus. I heard boasting of achievements as proof that you are in Gods will and that Gods favor comes through big contracts and having lots of people attending your church. I was really sad because their were a lot of lost souls that should of heard about the work on the cross, not about our works. Why must we change the gospel? I know Christ and my family and I serve and preach the gospel on the streets,at a recovery house and a reservation yet we make ends means and our youngest son has duchennes muscular dystrophy. By the standard of the gospel of prosperity we are certainly not in Gods will or have His favor? How about the thousands of Christians being persecuted over this world? Are they out of Gods favor? I am not attacking the Coach( just let down) but I am attacking the gospel of prosperity. Biblically Christ warns us that we will have troubles John 16:33 and 2 Tim 3:12Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” It is not an easy road but we overcome because Christ did. We left and I was prompted by The Lord to ask my son what he thought of the message. My son looks at me and says that the message seemed forced and was all over the place. I agreed with him and use this as a example of being sound in our word so that we may preach Christ crucified and Christ risen. I asked my son what does the Gospel of Jesus mean to you? He looked me in the eyes and said Jesus took my place so that I will not have to suffer Gods wrath. All I could say was A to the men! For all my brothers and sisters out there dont lose heart and never forget your greatest ministry your family. Grace and peace.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 20:31:00 +0000

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