So as I was getting ready today the Lord struck me with some - TopicsExpress


So as I was getting ready today the Lord struck me with some interesting thoughts I want to share with you about leporacy. ~ Are you living with leporacy? Do you have a disease rooted deep within you that keeps you from experiencing your full freedom in Christ? Is your leporacy keeping you from living out Gods calling on your life? ~ Who is your leporacy isolating you from? Do you keep yourself hidden away from fellowshiping with others? Do you carry around deep wounds and unforgiveness that keeps you closed off from experiencing the joy of true, deep relationship with others? ~ Luke tells two stories about lepers. In chapter 17:11-19 we learn about the ten men who were at the city gate and cried out to Jesus and he healed them. Then only one returned to thank and worship Jesus for his healing. Is there something in your life today that you need to express thanksgiving for. It is a powerful thing to share your story with others; to strengthen and encourage oneanother in our faith journies! Then in chapter 5:12-16 Luke tells us of another who was healed by Jesus. Jesus told him not to tell anyone what had happened, but he couldnt keep it to himself and he told and Jesus fame spread everywhere. Share your story! Spread the fame of Jesus! Tell the world what He has done for you!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 03:17:23 +0000

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