So, disappointed with our government, I attempted to find out what - TopicsExpress


So, disappointed with our government, I attempted to find out what actually happened in DC yesteday. It appears that every US news agency has their typical conservative/liberal bias--throwing blame at one group (Republican, Democrat, Congress, Senate). I found reports that Congress tried to undermine Obamacare by delaying it for a year and that they were trying to make it so that government officials did not have to take part in it. Then I found reports that what Congress wanted was to delay the coverage “mandate” for INDIVIDUALS to get insurance for one year (so, I assume this means no fines for a year while people try to sort this all out)—which Obama did offer BUSINESSES a one year delay in the mandate to provide coverage. The report also said that the bill did not remove the requirement for government officials to use Obamacare, it removed the subsidy that the officials would get paid to use the new healthcare plan (so they are getting paid to use the coverage?). So, I finally went to Reuters to see what they had to say. Somehow I find it easy to trust a UK news service that doesn’t care about our political bias. All in all, I have decided that it is not one group’s fault; it is our government as a whole, none of them willing to negotiate anything—only thinking of themselves and not the people of this nation.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 16:15:56 +0000

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