So here is the update from me to date. I will be leaving on Wed to - TopicsExpress


So here is the update from me to date. I will be leaving on Wed to return home to Seattle. I have 6 pups waiting for me there and I still have a job. UGH. To be independent would be so AMAZING. Wish I had learned about Dave Ramsey before being this old. Trucker has a LONG road ahead of him. Hopefully by the end of this week all the kids will be with their mom and dad. Trucker has not been eating and if he does not soon they will put a feeding tube down his nose. Please pray that he will eat and drink. Shauna asked the nurse today when he would lose his hair. His beautiful little Mohawk. But hair is just that - hair. His little life is so much more than that. His heart beats are way more than they should be. His blood pressure is way too high. The odds are not good but I have realized through all this that GOD does exist and miracles DO happen. This is NOT a guarantee. But is he pulls through - this is GODS doing. His short life has influenced so many, affected and moved so many, and yes even brought some to their knees that forgot how to pray. That is ME. I am on my knees and even if he were not to make it, I would still be on my knees. He has influenced so many in so many ways. I know in my life the difference he has made. What I believed to be important before is not that important. Please - this is the season. Do NOT spend your time being angry, jealous, bitter, or what ever it could be that is keeping you from Joy and Happiness. Life is precious. There are NO GUARANTEES. Love - Forgive - Laugh - Play - Live your life like it is YOUR LAST DAY!!! Team Trucker - Trucker Dukes Supporters has changed my life. I hope that I can be the person I was meant to be to those that had needed me and I was not there. Ua Dukes and Shauna Dukes Your little man has moved so many and just in my life, brought me back with family I had not been with in years. You guys are doing it right. I am proud to be a part of your life and know that you are walking it - not talking it. Thank you and Love you more than you know. Mamma C :) Goodnight All, It is late and I am exhausted but in a GOOD WAY :)
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:51:54 +0000

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