So hows this for an adventure Were out for our walk this evening. - TopicsExpress


So hows this for an adventure Were out for our walk this evening. Right around the corner from our house, there was a loose chihuahua. A really HOPPING MAD loose chihuahua. And it was determined not to let us pass! Well, never one to let a puny little dog get the best of him, Jarly . . . turned his back on it and proceeded to sniff all around a telephone pole. Hed occasionally glance up at me (and get treats!) but he basically ignored the CRAP out of that little monster! And lest you wonder why we didnt just leave, well, when my husband turned his back on the little beastie (to take some treats I was handing him to throw at it), it snuck up behind him and tried to bite him! That, and there was a cat sitting on the other side of the street waiting for us. But Jarly didnt react. Let me repeat that. He DID NOT REACT. (treat treat treat treat) When the owner (finally) came out to get his little dog, Jarly STILL remained calm, even as we chatted for a minute about BOY is that little guy MAD! Then, about 2 houses down, a strange man was in the front yard digging up some flower beds or something. He called out a greeting, and we stopped and talked to him for a few minutes. A COMPLETE STRANGER, talking to us! Not 2 minutes after the POed Chihuahua Incident! And do you know what my Jarly did? He took a treat out of my hand - calmly! - then he lay down on the sidewalk and just waited patiently. A year ago - even a few weeks ago - there is NO WAY hed have dealt with either the Chihuahua Incident OR Stranger Danger without trying to rip someones face off - and this evening he was a perfect gentleman. I wont even go into the (1) nice lady (also a stranger) with a cat in her yard, (2) the squirrel fest going on in some guys tree, (3) girl on scooter (4) jerky guy racing a motorcycle down the street, (5) kids on bikes. . . and just . . . nothing but a whole bunch of treats. A-freaking-mazing.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 00:50:53 +0000

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