So people are insisting still that there are elements seeking to - TopicsExpress


So people are insisting still that there are elements seeking to cause trouble for the Obama Administration. My Grandfather would tell him in no uncertain terms: “If you don’t like getting bit; don’t track a wolf into the woods.” Quick dial whine, won, won; Bwarry needs a Whambulance! GOOOD Morning DC, the White house and that slander, slinging, snake whose serpent strike seeks to slay the very system with saying they are slandering his administration. (My, that is insulting, at least to snakes. My apologies to the species.) Yes, Barrier the Derrière built this administration and we are now on IRS Commissioner Number three, by my count, going through: former IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman, Acting IRS Commissioner Steve Miller and present IRS Commissioner Gollum…oops, I mean John Koskinen. Did I miss anyone? If we were playing base ball, I think they are praying for a ‘hit’ or some foul balls so they can walk. Barrier the Derrière the President Alleged already assured us there wasn’t a “smidgeon” of corruption though? Oh, wait there was Commissioner Sarah Hall Ingram… “Over the past five years the IRS has been concentrating its power, giving the agency increased opportunities to pick on people and groups it dislikes. …Sarah Hall Ingram, who was commissioner of the IRS’s Tax-Exempt and Government Entities Division from 2009 to 2012 during the Lois Lerner scandal, now heads the IRS Affordable Care Act Office. …Do Americans trust the IRS to calculate these subsidies and refunds impartially? The IRS already made a power grab in May 2012 by extending premium subsidies to the 34 states with federal exchanges.” realclearmarkets/articles/2014/06/24/the_irss_e-mail_coincidences_are_too_many_101141.html One, two, three strikes you’re out but not in this ball game, apparently. Maybe I need to know what Barry means by ‘smidgeon’. Smidgeon or smidgen- noun: A very small amount: a smidgen of jam for your toast. Its origin is obscure showing up in literature around 1845. (See how helpful reading real books is for you kids?) Seemingly coming from the Scottish word ‘smitch’, meaning a very small amount or a small insignificant person it may also have roots in ‘smidin’, a small syllable or applied to the American English Dialect as the long form of smidge from the early 1900s. So based on Miller’s original revelations that there was targeting going on that would make Barry a lying son of a smitch, now wouldn’t it. Not to be satisfied however with be the little ‘smitch’ he already is with this lie, Barrier the Derrière, doubles down with an informal speech about all these scandals being; “phony”, “not on the level”. He goes so far to repeat his early speech he did at several Universities about not trusting what the news is telling you. Why Barry, how very conspiratorially paranoid of you! Everyone, including the news media is lying about there being an IRS scandal or any scandal for that matter. Would that not in fact be a ‘Slander Scandal’ then Barry and as it applies to you both directly and indirectly, shouldn’t you be approaching such audacious accusations with legal counsel against this tort? Or is it there is not a smidgeon of truth to your accusations about these investigations being about politics? Hey Barry, didn’t your campaign end when you won the last election? Yet the campaigning continues and golf seems all you’re capable of doing for the last six years. While you have earned your place in history as being the First African American person to be elected into the White house, earning a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing in particular and more Constitutional violations than Nixon but I’m afraid that while the term President might be applied to your name; you never were President and history will record that fact. Here is the video that in fact confirms Barry the BSer, yet again: therightscoop/obama-dont-pay-attention-to-the-phony-scandals-in-the-news-its-not-on-the-level/?purge
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 06:13:33 +0000

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