So the cat is out of the bag (Figure of speech!) Okay lol, as - TopicsExpress


So the cat is out of the bag (Figure of speech!) Okay lol, as soon as I hit enter on that comment I had a feeling I would get questions... and I have. So let me tell you a little more about myself for the curious minds out there, and those that have not gotten to know us well yet. ;) Im pretty much an open book and do not mind sharing, because it may just help someone else. I just do not share in depth details of my or Craigs traumas... would hate to trigger anyone! My comment was, Situation induced high anxiety is what I have, even though I have been through a couple severe traumas in my lifetime which can/have produced symptoms that are that of PTSD. The symptoms are not often enough to meet criteria for diagnosis of PTSD... My personal story... no worries, there will not be in depth details! Even though I have been asked what type of traumas I experienced, I will let you know when that part comes, only traumas not details of them. ;) I do find that I can relate to those with PTSD, not only relate to the spouse/partner of those with PTSD, because I have been through traumas myself. I do have situation induced anxiety which I have learned to control through coping skills, taking care of myself, that good ol Me Time, and yep backing down my coffee intake which has helped tremendously! LOL. I also remember to laugh, smile, and if I need to talk I do! So when I mention those things, its not only because I see they can help Craig with PTSD, its because I know how well they help me and can help anyone! My traumas were considered life threatening. (NOT intending to trigger anyone here so hope I dont! So if you do not feel comfortable reading the rest of this paragraph, PLEASE skip it now!) I was stalked for an extended amount of time and assaulted inside my home. Ill leave it simple no more details. ;) I was also involved in a serious car accident and sustained injuries, and feared for my sons life at that moment. Okay, that part of sharing is over now. ;) So, I have had traumas that changed my life forever, but I learned and believe that those traumas do not define who I am. They made me a little more cautious to say the least ;) but I do not allow them to define my me... I cant! But they sure brought a different insight to me, they help me understand others, and especially help since Craig has PTSD. I was also raised by my wonderful mom that was a teacher to children with mental health conditions (now retired), I volunteered throughout my school years... helping those with physical and/or mental disabilities. So mental health conditions were not new to me when we found out about Craigs disabilities. When Craigs PTSD and depression became severe, my past I had managed okay to that point, well it bothered me. I struggled, all of the new normal and life changes we faced. I did become overwhelmed, my anxiety increased, etc. And I knew I had to face things I had never been guided on how to face as well as facing what was now a real part of our lives. Thats exactly what I did. You have to take care of yourself in order to take care of or help another. I told you everything I post has a meaning behind it. ;) When the doctors started teaching us how to manage Craigs PTSD and Depression, well... if it could work for him why wouldnt it work for me? So I tried everything the doctors were teaching him and those things did work! My upbringing was a huge help as well. My symptoms are not to the extent, I guess you could say, as of one with PTSD. The symptoms come from time to time IF triggered but are not all of the time, I do not meet the PTSD criteria. I can recognize when they are coming and get a handle on them rather quickly now if they come. I have a toolbox full of all sorts of tools! ;) Thus the diagnosis of situation induced high anxiety... and why one of my favorite sayings is from both sides of the fence. ;) I do see and understand Craigs side of things (the PTSD and trauma side), my side as a spouse of one with PTSD, but also can relate to both. I do like to focus on PTSD as a whole, not based on certain traumas military or civilian, not one sided... one with PTSD or the one standing beside them. Because there are many different types of traumas, different situations, different shoes being worn, and everyone deserves the same respect, understanding, and tools to learn how to live life with or beside PTSD. Whatever it was that happened, did happen, we cannot change that. But now, we are ALL to the point of learning how to take those steps forward... TOGETHER! Okay, I think I answered the questions coming to me. ;) Maybe that will help give a little better understanding of myself, Craig and I as a couple, and how we learned to work together through this life with his PTSD... and my anxiety. ;) ~Bec A Spouses Story PTSD
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 16:27:22 +0000

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