So, the take away is that communication between two or more people - TopicsExpress


So, the take away is that communication between two or more people that are not physically in the presence of each other is somehow bad or less worthy of appreciation. Id like people to watch enough of this video to get the gist of it, but I wont ask anyone to watch it all because it is a self-righteous whine fest by a guy that thinks the only way he can matter in the world is to try to make people feel bad about what makes them feel good. Like a food Nazi, or sorts. But, ask yourself - Have you met someone on social media, do you know someone, have a true life friend that, whether you have met them or not in real life, you really care for. And is there anyway in hell that you can imagine that you would have connected with them if not for this wonderful tool we have before us? I have friends all over the world who are real friends - not just FB friends. There are people I grew up with who are far-flung and I wouldnt know if they are alive or dead except for this evil computer sitting in front of me. People enjoy connecting with each other in whatever way they can and if that means they do it with a keyboard instead of face-to-face, so be it. When I talk to a friend in California (Im in Georgia)on FB, its not like I cancelled a plane flight to ask them how they are - its like I may not even know they exist without this, or I may not be able to talk to them at all. Ill make a suggestion here and you should do as you see fit - If you have never met and become involved in a positive way with someone because of social media, then this video is for you. You need to destroy your computer and phone and all that shit and talk to the people on the bus or whatever and forget seeking out people with common interests and desires and just settle for people who are arbitrarily in the same geographic proximity as you. Let me know how that works out for you. Me? Ill be over hear re-connecting with people who I would have lost forever if not for social media. Ill be making friends all over the world. Ill be learning stuff about people I used to think I knew...but never really did. Ill actually be communicating while youre asking the bum on MARTA how he likes the weather. Screw this self-righteous asshole that made this video.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 04:50:38 +0000

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