So this evenings update is coming at the close of our fourth - TopicsExpress


So this evenings update is coming at the close of our fourth clinic day. To be honest I have tears streaming down my face as I type this update, thinking we only have two clinic days left before we begin our long journey home. I say long because its truly questionable at this point if our team that has been coming to Ukraine the past 14 years will ever return together. There are many factors involved, but I place my undying trust in the Lord who is the Waymaker and has blazed paths in places I thought were once never possible. He has shown me that with Him, ALL things are possible. It is His will over mine at all times. I will rest in whatever He decides even though I may hurt in the process, I take comfort in the God of All Comfort. He knows best, always has, always will. This country Has. My. Heart. These people Have. My. Heart. The past two days have consisted of late nights and early mornings for me and my precious roommate Erin. Due to some equipment struggles in the eye clinic, I have kept her up (she a nurse, on the medical side of A team) late as I work on things...oops! Shes such a trooper! So this morning it was a struggle to get ready. Youll see a great picture of her here at 7:59 following right behind me, to catch the 8 oclock bus! Thank goodness for coffee!! :0) On the way to Ignyatovka we traveled behind military vehicles and two patients we saw were retired Ukrainian military officers. Thrilled me, honestly! Im very patriotic, love America, love Ukraine. One of then is pictured before, he is also still very patriotic. Beautiful. The blonde lady you see with the black and white blouse, she just could not believe we were giving her glasses. And TWO pair at that!! She was thrilled, she made me happy...and the fact that her readers matched her shirt, well, that just kicked it up a notched!! Its truly wonderful to be around people who are thankful, I mean genuinely appreciative...wanting to pay you with vegetables from their garden, wow! No sense of entitlement found here, just love, hugs, kisses, blessings, and thanksgiving. Its unbelievably refreshing. Youll see a picture here of my favorite doctor and his awesome interpreter Nataliya throwing deuces! Hey, we like to keep it real, cut up and have a good time! Kidding, they totally posed because I was cutting up something ridiculous and they love upon request, they obliged. But dont let them fool you, we have an absolute blast in clinic. We work hard and have so much fun in the midst! There was a precious 83 year old woman who came in today. She was wearing a purple sweater. I cant help but to think of my Nana in her last days, she was always so cold. In the middle of summer, I would go see her and it would be 85 degrees in her house. She was on blood thinners, she was blind. This lady, we had a connection, it was a heart know, one of those you cant explain. She kept hugging me. I found her readers and fitted her. I put a Bible in front of her and she said I can read again!! You know that joy, that comes from real deep inside it just bubble right up to the surface in both of us!! She gave me lots of kisses on my cheeks and many thank yous! I hugged her like she was my Nana, what I wouldnt give to hear say, I can see again. One day, in glory land! :0) Youll see our picture together here, were cheek to cheek!! Theres a picture of a sweet seven year old in my lap. Shes wearing a black dress. We both have our stickers on. She put her glasses on and I asked her to look out the window. She started giggling. She said now I can I see all the leaves on the trees!! Oh my friends, we take so much granted! Shes be able to see the stars in the sky, the petals on all the flowers, the words on every page! Bless the Lord!! Nadia is 76 years old. She is a Ukranian evangelist that Ive seen every year that Ive come. She loves to tell people about the Lord and His great love. She loved on me today. She carries Mississippi State bag and blesses my socks off. You cant put a price on relationships, her faithfulness teaches me a lot about Jesus. We had these cabbage rolls at dinner, whoa, holy moly. They were the bomb. Slap yo Mama good. Wow. Stuffed with rice and meat. Mercy, so good...I took a picture. Im just saying. We saw 78 patients today. B team saw 93. Combined 76 prayed to receive Christ as Savoir!!! These people are hungry. The churches we are partnering with are committed to disciplining them and loving them throughout the year. This evening Erin and I took a walk and found this pond and beautiful view. We have returned to our room and left the balcony door open to keep cool. We have no air condition. The Lord has blessed us with a lovely rain this evening. Im sure well sleep well! My heart is forever grateful for all your prayers and support! I love you dearly. Please excuse the typos, Im entirety too tired and emotional to proof read...
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:01:41 +0000

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