So this little lady I know wanted to challenge me with a poem idea - TopicsExpress


So this little lady I know wanted to challenge me with a poem idea and the title being Kids Are Crazy Creatures this is what I came up with. Hope its fitting. Kids are crazy creatures and thats no lie Theyll ask you silly questions, youll give them an answer and theyll ask, Why? Its a never ending process Sometimes they can be an absolute mess You cant do anything but say God Bless....their little souls And do everything in your power to help them reach their goals Theyll drive you completely up the wall But youd do anything for them even if it meant possibly breaking the law Theres a bond children and parents share And youll never be fully aware....of it until you have kids of your own This bond is unbreakable and its just as strong even when theyre grown Theyll make you feel love that youve never felt Deal you blows that youve never been dealt From emergency room visits, to back talking you for the first time, to hearing them say I love you at night Yes kids are crazy creatures alright Theyll make you see things in a different light Youll sacrifice things for them that you never wouldve dreamed Youll remember ever single time that they ever screamed And your heart sunk as you raced to see what was wrong It just so happens that their toy wasnt where it belonged Kids are crazy creatures and theyll drive you crazy as well But if youre searching for a treasure theyre truly a Holy Grail
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 01:06:16 +0000

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