was a tough one. A long long day. Starting with - TopicsExpress

   was a tough one. A long long day. Starting with standing in my closet trying to decide how to dress for this weather! Back and forth, up and down, trying on, discarding, making a mess, clock is ticking, hurry and decide but I need coffee kind of morning. Any who....I knew I was going to be moving some furniture around from store to store and wanted to be comfortable and, according to Al Roker, it was going to be cool day here on the East Coast (sorry for your luck California) so I figured a light weight sweater would work fine. Time to transition into those anyway, right? So why not start now? And for the ease of lifting furniture I thought sweats and sneakers. All kinds of woman wear sweats and sneakers and look cute so why not me? Stupid,stupid, stupid logic on my part. Now, Im not a sneaker/ sweats kind if no no. Im more of a jeans and cute shoes type of girl but today, I thought, all of the chosen garments would work just fine. Its only one day after all so whats the worst that can happen? All three, sweater..sneaks...sweats...were a big mistake. The thing about loading furniture is that it has to be UNloaded. I was working up a sweat in no time. To top it off, after I unloaded the first batch, I went by a friends house and picked up more and unloaded that back at Rascals AND loaded more to deliver on my way home!! About 15 minutes into my day, I really began to regret the whole ensemble. I kept trying to push my sweater sleeves up to my elbows, hoping they would stay there but NO (said in my best SNL Steve Martin voice) and soon enough both sleeves were stretched out and hanging down like the Sienfeld pirate shirt and if that aint one if the most annoying, irritating feelings ever, it certainly is in the top 5! The sweats were a nice brand with PLENTY of elastic (because at my age, elastic is my friend) but definitely not flattering... at all... any where... not even length! If I tried to keep them low on my hips so they looked cool with my sneakers, they just slowly slid down because of that family disease I have called Noassatall....youve heard me mention it before. But when I pulled them up, well.....use your imagination. Then theres the sneakers. They have bright orange on them so they are definitely season-appropriate, just ugly. And not really all that comfortable. Then theres my hair!!!! It started out looking decent this morning but there just isnt a hairspray in existence that can handle a day like this one! Good god, I had to wait on customers looking like that! And now that Im home, sitting here on my bed with warmed up dinner and a Bud Light, (tonight might also be a Fireball kind of night) with sweater and sweats gone and my sneakers kicked off......well lets just say its a good thing theres a breeze blowing through here because My dogs STINK!! Lesson learned!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 23:10:07 +0000

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