So yesterday evening the third season of Ultimate Survival Alaska - TopicsExpress


So yesterday evening the third season of Ultimate Survival Alaska aired on the National Geographic Channel. I stay up past my regular bedtime because , apparently, there is not quite enough stress in my I tune in at 9 PM on Sunday evenings in the winter to recharge some borrowed anxiety. The REAL reason I watch is twofold. First of all I am so doggone proud of Tracie Seavey Audettes nephew Dallas Seavey I can hardly stand it. to see a little boy grow up to be a strong, well mannered, resourceful young man who represents himself well in front of a national audience...well thats just enough to make anyone feel that there is hope for the future.... The second reason I watch is to help him. Yes, I know its ridiculous. but when you watch your favorite ball team and cheer them on....dont you feel you are actually helping them? Never mind the hours of disciplined training, the strength and courage, and single minded commitment to get to a certain level of athletic watching and cheering, you are helping...somehow. so thats what I do. I help Dallas Seavey. ( the good news is that apparently he now has a substantial fan base who is also helping him....but because of my love for his auntie, thus transferred easily to the rest of her help must be extra helpful ;) and yes, it is funny to be reminded that it is prerecorded....but I still think my participation is critical to safety and success . So now you are reminded of why I must watch. You also know that I do enjoy writing...and this adventure series grants me a plethora of material to write about. Thus I share my thoughts and review with all of read on if you wish :) SPOILER ALERT ( I will write about who has won the first two legs of this great stop reading if you have recorded it to watch later) You already know that I believe the producers would be wise to make sure that the Military team wins the overall competition. It would be a morale boost that we sure could use in these trying times of unrest. A little patriotism through a secular venue would go a long way. But I am not the producers, I just have ideas that I think are indisputable ( just kidding). Heres what I am sure the producers did do this year. They really added another dimension to this remarkable show. I am not entirely comfortable with this new paradigm, but here is how it shakes out; On seemingly each team there is a member who is a greater or lesser degree of autocrat. A person who is not used to or comfortable working as part of a team. This show had natural beauty, heart stopping challenges, real comradery,intelligent ingenuity, and bears. What was added by placing these seemingly reprobates into the newest cast of characters added a level of tension brand new to the show, the tension of social dynamics. I will hold out judgement of these characters because I honestly believe that by participating in this remarkable adventure, they will be forever changed. It is possible that they may not hold out long enough to find the inner strength to persevere when not only the vast wilderness of Alaska is against them, but their own team mates as well. Time will tell. I was heartened to see Dallas team win the first two legs of this competition....but of course watching him drop through the ice made me speed dial Deborah Lynch Markley for support. I really missed Ed Ahyakak because he was a quiet, but inspirational figure who lent support to the team not only through skill, but by his perseverance, and positive attitude. Dallas team is rock solid strong though, and though Ben Johns may be the loose cannon on the Endurance Team, he is surely motivated to forge forward and win! In team Lower 48 it seemed as if the producers had intentionally put oil and water together. With Kasha Rigby attempting to be the grease that keeps the machine running, she will be able to guest host on the Maury Povich Show if her team self implodes. There was not quite enough camera time for everyones favorite Marty Raney to suit me.....although he did offer a quaint quote at the end of the show when his team did not place first. and he did say something pretty funny to the effect of I only climb ice walls when I have to...and I guess I have to or words to that effect. Watching Tyler Johnson , Marty, and new team member Vern Tejas climb over a cornice atop a mountain was typical heart stopping fare...... which I why I use my lifeline and call Deb as needed :) I invite you to comment especially if youve watched other seasons. I wonder what you think of the new dynamics between team mates. Lets see who gets used to it first; me, or they with each other.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 21:01:04 +0000

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