Some of my friends know I was removed from Facebook on Friday. - TopicsExpress


Some of my friends know I was removed from Facebook on Friday. Basically, I wouldnt have believed it, if it wouldnt have happened to me. So for my friends who are interested in the story, I decided I would tell what happened, as much as I understand. I got up Friday morning as usual, a little after 5:00 AM to get ready for work. In my morning routine, before I put things away in my briefcase for work, I checked my email and messages on facebook, at least I thought I would. When I went to check Facebook, I couldnt get in, instead I was met with a message (I wish I would have captured the screen or something, so I had it exactly) but it said something like, you have been removed from Facebook, your name does not meet up to our standards. This name is fictitious. To say I was shocked would be a pretty good description. I couldnt believe it! I have to admit, in my life I have had a couple of people who did indeed think my name was fake, but only a couple in the thousands of people I have met in my life. Now facebook did? It seemed to me like a ruse. Especially, considering my personal history. If you are going to hear the whole story of my personal history, I am going to have to have the time to write the book, and you will have to be interested enough to read it. But I have known for a long time that I am on the watch list for the Federal Governments internal surveillance program. It started in 1975 after a trip to the Twin Cities I took when I was the Student Association President at what was at the time Minot State College. Most of you are well aware that I have always been interested in politics. So when presented with an opportunity to attend an interesting meeting of the National Student Association at the University of Minnesota, my Vice President and I jumped at the opportunity. What I didnt realize at the time, was NSA had been on President Nixons top ten watch list, and the main speaker at the event was William Kunstler, the famous (or infamous) attorney for the Chicago seven, who now was defending Russell Means and Dennis Banks, defendants from the Wounded Knee Occupation. Kunstler was openly calling for revolution in the United States, and said that was the most important reason that Means and Banks were needed back on the street. It was a pretty wild scene, and an amazing experience for a couple of kids from North Dakota. Needless to say some interesting discussions ensued, but the most interesting to me, was every time I made a phone call upon my return, there was an additional audible click that could be heard. I was convinced that my phone was being tapped, and over the years I have had several incidents that have confirmed to me that I am on the watch list. Whereas others I went to college with have chosen more traditional politics as their avenues of expression, I have almost always chosen alternative paths, as I have been convinced for a long time the political system in the US needs serious reform, so I am fairly confident my file is one of the largest, and probably one of the more interesting reads of the files of domestic surveillance in North Dakota. So, when I was so unexpectedly bumped from facebook, I had to suspect the Feds, especially after having a most interesting political discussion in my posts, concerning the recent election. So, although it was a busy day at work, when I got a break, I called Grace, as I was wondering if she had been taken off facebook as well, obviously the last name being Rude. I thought if they took off all the Rudes that would be quite a few people, and that would probably make quite a few people angry. She said she was still on, but in her status, she was married, but my name had disappeared! I thought that was quite interesting! So this reinforced my contention that it may be domestic surveillance related that I had been pulled. So, I thought if they are going to get me off the internet, I should try to get out an email to people who might have an interest in what may be going on, so I went through my current email addresses and picked about 60 addresses to email about my situation. When I sent the initial email I first got the usual no delivery notices, as when you do a large emailing, there are usually people who have changed or deleted email accounts, so that was not unusual. As I had asked for responses, and I got some, I thought ok, maybe it was just facebook thinking my name was fictitious. But then I got back another email that said there was no delivery, and it was in a format I had never seen before, and it contained about 45 addresses! Wow! That to me reinforced the domestic surveillance hypothesis, as it looked to me like I had become spam! When I got a chance I looked around at the options contained within facebook, I found a way that I could upload documentation to try prove that I was a real person, so I scanned in my passport, and uploaded it to them. Then it became a waiting game. Am I spam due to Facebooks incredibly high standards, or am I an enemy of the state? Seeing how they let me back on, I guess Im real. Although as one of my friends said, the jury is still out. I guess I have more work to do before I become an enemy of the state, as it is, I am just suspicious!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 22:12:10 +0000

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