Somebody asked me, so ba Mwaba what do you do for a living? You - TopicsExpress


Somebody asked me, so ba Mwaba what do you do for a living? You should be a writer..... Well before I go further I would like to warn you this post will contain some hardcore bemba insults so I ask you excuse my french and not codemn at the end... Hmmm, Well what do I do? Am afraid I cant say. Kikikikiki.....I wont tell you what I do...I know some over-zealous thugs from UPND dont like some of my political writings, well its not that I hate anybody or am rude or sarcastic, I just think the fellows in UPND luck proper PR(Public Relations) and they dont know how to sell or market themselves like Ba Sata used know politics is a game, you gotta play it with skill, Ba Sata used to line up at Petrol stations, Lie to people he will change the country in 90 days (where on earth) and even had thugs like Dandy crazy doing popular songs like Donch kubeba....UPND just say aleisa aleisa aleisa Nani uyo wine? Kasaka? Come on be serious, what election can you win like that? Maybe Church elections to choose Ba Chairman ba chitente not national elections.....and its not as if I speak from a komboni perspective or use analysis yamu chibuku, no, part of my major thesis for my degree was in African politics and Communism and capitalism so I kind of have a good grasp on what am talking about.... Anyway I will just tell you a quick story from my work and just to entertain you a bit... Well part of my job is to hunt criminals down...I work for a financial company and sometimes it happens that we are hit by criminals or fraud or staff like that so I sometimes work with police to apprehend the cowprits... This story I would love to tell you about is, KNOWING WHO YOU DEALING WITH... One day I was one a criminal hunt trail with two plain cloth guys from C5..we used a neutral car so we wouldnt be know..we drove to NorthMead, spotted our guy then followed him to Chelstone along great east road. just at the filling station the guy pulled over to put fuel and we just pounced on him and pointed an AK in his face and the guys the two cops I was with changed in minutes.. Nyamula manja mumwamba iwe chikala one jumped in his car and pointed a revolver at his mouth, chimange nshimbi, lelo ule ponokwa na noko alekuluba msatanyoko the cops said.. Well we bundled him while people stood their frightened and thought we were the thieves, through him in the boot of his alteeza and took him to Central police. That was around kuma 15 so.... Well I thanked the officers and offered to buy them two two for the job well done...we drove first to my work place were I was given a heros welcome and the tuma chicks saying oh Father you are so brave (almost everywhere I go am nicknamed Father Mwaba coz of my ties with the catholic priesthood). Then after that feeling like a james bond you know, that nice feel good mood, we drove to Ms Liquor in Chilenje and started having nice sweaty cold one with the two officers.. You must understand these guys look nothing like killer cops, the super C5 you hear about, they are jus simple slim guys one even wore ma patapata (tropicals)... Well after some beers I went like tiyeni tulyeko imbushi lets go graab some pieces of goat meat and drink some nice warm soup ya mbuzi... So we went to chris corner and pressed an order.. Just then, this tall huge looking Mpeta shows up, and demands to be served first.Tilamo soup umu mufana iwe he ordered the guy serving..Nipaseko yo shoka ya 20 he continued (in a thick PF cadre voice while wearing a vest written Rambo (like that picture which was even on those big blue plast bags of John Rambo with a Bazooka)... hmmm boss, but we came first said my friend from the police...the huge guy suddenly turned Jerabo. he went like ukamba chani ka iwe ka Chikala, kuti nakuponona naku tina ne tole he said while sipping his soup sip sip nachi fwaka muminwe..... Well the guys went silent and just let the bully have his way... He committed Terrible mistake however... when going he said shit like, Ba land lord bale shupa naiwe ka kwindi ule njangala kumano? Well the guys went like aya sana uyu swine.....they approached him and told him to mind what he says, he laughed and said iye moneni abelanda....but before he could say any more words, the slim guy pounced on him, his meat fell the the ground, kwempa and impeta was down mu lukungu and a pistol pointing in his face.....this happened in seconds thought I was watching a movie at mandahill... Well the guy peed...the one who said kuti naku tina itole (literally I can squeeze your ball) peed on himself....Impeta ukusunda bantu bandi....anyway people watched and we decided to switch places to drink from and went to kabwata then emmasdale devils street and finished off our drinking spree... Well I got a lesson from this: In Society at school, at work, on a bus, even in church, NEVER UNDERATE ANYBODY OR LOOK DOWN ON SOMEBODY YOU DONT might not know who you dealing with...its best to approach the other as simple and as reverent as posibble as you might just be dealing with somebody who can send you to meet your maker faster than you were supposed to... Pishamo pen muntu wandi and be humble and simple....... God Bless.....
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 07:45:09 +0000

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