Somewhere called home by April Velvet I find myself, yet again, - TopicsExpress


Somewhere called home by April Velvet I find myself, yet again, unable to sleep. In my restlessness, I gaze outside through the empty space where my future bedroom window is supposed to go. The house lies empty like a wooden ribcage sitting atop a concrete slab. The blowing wind pushes the sawdust in all directions causing short irritating noises like cheap sound effects in a low budget horror flick. As I hop from one wooden beam to another I notice the darkness below. Between the cold, dead floor and myself are only 4 meters and yet it seems like a precipice of endless proportions. Fear does that to the human mind. I continue to walk across the beams back and forth, singing whatever comes to mind. If I were to slip it would ruin all my fun. The wood under my feet smells of pine, making a strange combination with the odor of dust and drying cement, that I find surprisingly appealing. This wooden cage is so bothersome; making cracking and squeaking noises with my every move as if trying to complain of my presence. I once again decide to take a peak at the world outside. I grab a beam, lean against another and start to think about the past days as I search for something interesting. I see the neon lit signs of two hotels: the closest one is yellow and the furthest one is red. Both hotels seem just as empty as the street. Power cables jump from pole to pole looking like old, dusty cobwebs that nobody has time to dispose of. I see rusted rooftops under the night’s sky, cars passing in a hurry over the black tar of the streets and people walking slowly, buried in themselves, as if they refuse to reach their destination too soon. I lie there, asking myself this and that, wondering about past and future. Building a home is one of the most difficult things that can be done by a capable human being. A house means nothing more than a roof between the stars and yourself, but home is the place where the stars can be seen shining brightest. The past three years have been eventful to say the least and during the years to come I hope to find the last missing piece of home.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 13:04:18 +0000

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