Sorry for this long post but I just had to get it off my chest. - TopicsExpress


Sorry for this long post but I just had to get it off my chest. Sorry if I use the wrong terms cause Im not really sure what to terms to use. Being the youth president of Sacramento I chose to attend ever prayer a church member would have. Since being president I have been to my fair share of prayers for healing sickness. A couple I would feel like the devil was trying to take down the leaders. But Ive never been to a conversion prayer. Until now... Sunday after we came back from camp I was awaken by a text message from the president of Sacramento LEC. We have a prayer tonight after church at a house of the community. This person is shaman and want to convert to Christianity. I didnt think much of it at that moment. As I arrived at church to help set up. I noticed a new face walked in. A young single mom and her 2 kids. She sat down across from me. As we started youth service, I noticed she stayed behind with the youth. I walked up and reached out to shake her hand. Hi, my name is May, I said. She took my hand and said, Im Cindy. Welcome to the youth Cindy, I replied. As we broke up into 5 groups and discussed what we learned at camp. I sat down next to her to get to know her a little more. Have you ever been to our church? I asked her. No, this is the first time Ive ever been to church. she said, I was born a Shaman but I want to convert. Then I realized who I was talking to. At the end of service the president gave us her address. The youths original plan was to play volleyball. I asked the youth to come with me to this prayer. While arriving at her apartment complex. I saw our members congregating in the parking lot. I got out of my car and joined them. As we made our way to her apartment. I walked in her apartment, I saw one of the biggest alter Ive ever seen. It was about 3 x 5 filled with dolls and shaman items. Growing up a christian Ive never seen this before. I was so glad my youth was there with me. We sang a couple of songs. As the pastor stepped out to discuss something. We were instructed keep singing until the pastors are done. Done doing what, I thought. As all 4 pastors walked in we started to sing. I looked at High and he looked at me. I turned to look at the pastors and they looked at the alter and prayed. Next thing I know, theyre taking the alter apart and telling the evil spirits to leave and get out. As we repeated the song and sang louder and louder. I looked around my youth and thought if I had made a mistake asking my youth to come. I dont want to put my youth in harms way. Some of my youth and I had to move around due to the fact that the pastors had to get around and take down stuff. Finally they were done and we stopped singing. Some of my youth and I held hands while the pastor prayed a last prayer before we left. I prayed for Cindy and her daughters that night. Tuesday morning I was awaken by a text from the president asking if I was free to attend a prayer for Cindy. I didnt ask my youth to go with me this time. But I asked High to go with me. As we walked in her apartment. Everything seemed normal. I looked around and there was 13 of us excluding the family. How are you? the pastor asked. Im ok, she replied. We opened prayer and started singing. High and I were at the kitchen singing. I notice the pastor singing and looking up at Cindy then look back down to the song book. The pastor kept doing that. I looked at High and he looked down at me. We made our way behind the couch where Cindy and her family was sitting. I looked at the pastor. He was still looking at Cindy. I looked at Cindy and notice she started shaking. Whats wrong? the pastor asked. I cant breathe, she said. Get the words out. Keep singing, her dad said. Next song! said the pastors wife. After that the pastor gave a message about faith and believing in God. We had her and her family sit in the middle as we circled her joining our hands in prayer. The first prayer started and Cindy arm started shaking. I gripped on to Highs hand tighter not knowing what was going to happened. By the time the 4th person came up to pray. Cindy started laughing and crying. I told myself God always wins. The good always wins. As the person before finished off her prayer. It came to me.... my mind went blank and my voice was gone. I squeezed Highs hand to pass me. He squeezed back. I squeezed back. This went on for about 15 seconds before I can get my voice to work again. I pray. Cindy was silent during my prayer. Then High started praying. Cindy started giggling the last half of his prayer. Then she stopped. Tears ran down my cheeks cause I felt so weak. I felt like I wasnt strong enough. I let go of Highs hand to wipe my tears. As the pastor closed out the prayer and I opened my eyes to look at Cindy. How are you? the pastor asked. It kept telling me that I own her something. she replied. It will tell you that. It will lie to you, a mother said. It kept telling me to leave and get out of the apartment but I said no, Im staying. she said. As the mothers and pastors talked to her. I looked at High and he put his hand on my shoulder. Im so proud of you. Youre very strong, he said. I broke down again. I didnt feel strong. As we left and got in the car. I started crying again and said Im not strong enough. High reassured me I was strong. I saw the power of God that night and how strong our elders were. How strong their prayers were. In the end God always wins. In closing.... I asked that you guys to please pray for our new lamb. Cindy and her family, for God to give her and her family strength and courage to not look back on the past but to move forward with God. I asked that you guys to please pray for me. To read his words and be a stronger Christian. That whatever comes my way. I will overcome it. Thank you and God Bless.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 06:21:33 +0000

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