Speech delivered by General Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma on the - TopicsExpress


Speech delivered by General Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma on the occasion of the Conferment of Traditional Title of Zazzau Emirate held in Zaria on the 22nd June, 2013It is with great joy that I stand before this historic gathering to accept the honour of the traditional title of Jarmai Zazzau from His Royal Highness, Alhaji Shehu Idris, the Emir of Zazzau. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Your Highness and to the Zazzau Emirate Council that resolved to confer on me the honour of this title. It is really humbling and rather scary to hear all the wonderful things that have been said about me here today. Some of it sound almost like a grave-side oration. Nevertheless, I truly appreciate your kindness and generosity. May we all live long enough to fulfil the purpose of God for our lives. When I first received an advance warning about this big honour, I recognised immediately that it would come with great responsibility and attendant risks. Nevertheless, I also recognised that for the sake of the renewed of northern Nigeria, I was duty bound to accept this challenging honour. I have taken many risks in my life for the sake of Nigeria, and at the age of 75, I thought I have paid my dues. I just wanted to spend the rest of my life in quiet retirement, leaving the public arena for a new generation of leaders to improve on the modest achievement of my generation. It seems to me now that real retirement is only possible in the grave. Our lives and living are apparently inevitably tied eternally to responsibilities. This event was to be a festive occasion featuring a durbar. But given the sad reality of our present situation in northern Nigeria, I pleaded for a simple but dignified ceremony devoid of pomp and pageantry. We are in a season of sorrow and mourning caused by decades of neglect of a sizeable segment of our society. Now, our people are dying in thousand in needless battles and conflicts. Our society and economy are in tatters. In a highly competitive world, our children are missing out in getting qualitative and functional education. The masses of our people are chained down in dehumanizing and grinding poverty while we continue to maintain few islands of false prosperity in a turbulent ocean of penury and squalor. There cannot be peace and harmony where there is wide disparity between the few rich and a multitude of the poor. Nigeria, and indeed northern Nigeria, has never been in short supply of politicians scheming and screaming for due and undue advantages. What has been in short supply are patriotic elder statesmen who would use their experience and wisdom to give our country a clear sense of purpose and direction. When elders become decadent, the youth are bound to become delinquent. Our people are confused and perplexed; they have become like flock scattered on many hills without a shepherd. This is clear indication of leadership failure. We urgently need to put our house in order, so we can overcome our various challenges. This is the time for elders to be circumspect and temperate in their utterances. It is not in our character as northerners to talk too much. We need to think more, pray more, plan more, work harder, relate better, but talk less. Battles are better fought and won through wisdom and strategy than through inflammable pronouncements and political tantrums. It is most appropriate and gratifying that I am receiving this honour in Zaria where I spent some of my formative years. Zaria was one of the few northern cities that first opened her gates to pioneer missionaries in northern Nigeria, which is why Wusasa has become the second home of many northern Christian leaders. Zaria has therefore distinguished itself as a beacon of religious tolerance, peaceful coexistence and educational advancement. Nigeria, and especially northern Nigeria, urgently need to recapture the spirit of Zaria, the spirit of knowledge, tolerance, harmony, peace and prosperity. In spite of the many years of mismanaged opportunities and resources, I still believe that Nigeria can be reawakened and rebuilt to achieve greatness. If we renew our mind and reconcile with one another, if we coordinate our determined efforts, we can make northern Nigeria self-reliant and self-sufficient, while enhancing the unity and prosperity of all Nigeria. But first, we must have peace. Once again, I am exceedingly grateful for this honour. I thank Your Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto and all our traditional rulers here present. Your presence underscores the broad based support that we need and will get in our quest to promote peace, social justice and prosperity for all. I thank Your Excellency, President Goodluck Jonathan, the Vice President, former Heads of State, Governors, Lawmakers, members of the Diplomatic Community and everyone here today. Your presence has brought great honour to me. Ubangiji Allah ya albarkace ku, ya kuma kiyaye ku. Amin. Thank you all.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 21:41:21 +0000

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