Sport #4: HASHING OK... Ill admit the line between sport and - TopicsExpress


Sport #4: HASHING OK... Ill admit the line between sport and social is somewhat blurred by this one BUT it was the most fun so far. Its essentially a combination of cross country running, orienteering and drinking! Hashing is run internationally, having started in Kuala Lumpur - yet based on the traditional English sport of Hare and Hounds. A pack of runners pursue a trail that has been laid in advance, using chalk, by the Hare. It all starts with you being sent a tube or train station (in my case South Kenton). From there you follow a trail of chalked Ps from the station to the pub. The run starts and ends at the pub. You head off following white chalk arrows, with whoever is leading the pack shouting ON ON as they pass each one. When you reach a circle that is a CHECK. It tends to be at a junction. Everyone heads off in different directions to try and pick up the trail again, shouting CHECK ON when found. Its easy to go from front of pack to back here. The arrows can be slyly hidden..... You also have to watch out for FTs (false trails) where the hare leads you down a road - only to have to head back, and find the trail heading off another way. Its all designed to keep the pack together. We ran for about an hour, ten mins, covering 10k - so pace easy going - but you still get a good run. At the end the drinking begins. Everyone gets in a circle and various hashers all called in to the middle to down down a half pint for various crimes along the route, like slinking off for a piss. One runner was forced to drink from their trainer after leaving it in the pub the previous week! As a virgin i was forced into the middle too... It was a real mix of young, old, big, small, men and women - but ALL were up for a laugh and very, very friendly. They really couldnt have made me more welcome. They also all had hasher names including Pope, Dingo, Man Magnet, Stayover and my personal favourite Minge and tonic. If you like running and drinking then give it a go - every Thursday night across West London...
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 18:44:38 +0000

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