Stop Obama! President Obama has no business doing this: Do we - TopicsExpress


Stop Obama! President Obama has no business doing this: Do we understand?! 1. A debate about the pros and cons of the cameras must not become merged with Federal intervention in local law enforcement. *Obama:Ive instructed Attorney General Holder to work with cities across the country to help build better relations between communities and law enforcement. 2. Federal Government has no jurisdiction in the states and local communities, towns, cities, counties, etc: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people (10th Amendment). Obama: That means working with law enforcement to make sure their ranks are representative of the communities they serve. . .That means working to train officials so that law enforcement conducts itself in a way that is fair to everybody. (We do NOT need the Federal Government being in charge of training our local police forces!) 3. State and local governments are already bound to uphold the Constitution. It is up to them to do so. Violations are court matters to be brought by offended parties and not by the Federal Government! The several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution (Art. IV). Obama: It means enlisting the community actively on what should be everybodys goal and that is to prevent crime. . .working with this administration and also with local and state officials to start tackling much needed criminal justice reform. (We already have the best system in the world, and we need Obama to be called out on this, his latest usurpation of power, his sneaky, slithery effort to transform our system to his own image of tyranny!) Obama: So those should be the lessons that we draw from these tragic events. We need to recognize that this is not just a issue for Ferguson. This an issue for America. (Translation--Never let a good crisis go to waste, and if there isnt a crisis manufacture a crisis! Obama/Holder/Sharpton ) (You notice that Obama is making this a Federal issue and asserting that the Federal Government is supposed to police the States!--These tragic events! are being manipulated to serve the Obama administration agenda.) It isnt up to the Federal Government to police the States! The States are obligated to abide by the Constitution. If there are complaints, people have recourse in the courts. We must not allow the Federal Government to take over the pre-eminance over the States and local law enforcement practices, procedures, and power! https://youtube/watch?v=S8eyhZm6MZ4
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:31:35 +0000

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