***Stories from Ivelolharele Retirement Sanctuary, - TopicsExpress


***Stories from Ivelolharele Retirement Sanctuary, Inc.*** Tonight we bring you a story about a rescue of a precious huge hearted donkey....this is Chester, who we rescued about 7 years ago....Chester was on a farm with horses that were continuing to pick on him, keep him from his feed, and unfortunately was not very well cared for. I was able to talk the lady into trading 50 bales of hay for Chester...the moment we opened the trailer doors, Chester jumped into the trailer and look at us as if to say What are you waiting for! LETS GO! When we got Chester home, we found that the halter that was on him was inbedded into his muzzle. We used vaseline to finally free him of the halter, and since that day, he has NEVER had a halter on again. Chester became a part of our equine family and our human family....He buddied up with our first retirement horse Taffy, and never left her side...they would graze the yard together, and if one of them got out of the other sight, they would call for each other. You would find Chester and Taffy walking up and down our dead end road, grazing along the way...and if they went to far, our dog Ike would round them up and bring them back up to the yard. Chester and Taffy were stalled together, they ate grain out of the same feed dish, hay out of the same pile....they ventured the grounds together...they were best friends...Chester lost his best friend almost a year ago, and the day she passed, he still didnt leave her side. The morning after Taffy had passed, we found Chester laying at her side, he didnt want to let go of the friend that took him in, and kept him by her side, safe and happy....it took Chester some time to get over his loss, but he has since buddied up with another one of our residents that looks and reminds him so much of his best friend. We still see Chester looking for his friend, he knows her spirit is still alive at the sanctuary. Chester is the barn clown...he loves to play tag with our dog Ike, youll see them on the warm days chasing each other through the yard and pastures playing catch me if you can!. Chester LOVES marshmallows, if you come for visit and bring marshmallows you will have a friend for life. Chester can be sneaky at times, and liked to come up behind you and BREY! Apparently he thought it was fun to scare the wits out of us! So....we put a bell on him :) Wed always know where he was, until one day he got smart, he lost his bell....needless to say, we still cant find it! Chester LOVES children, and the smaller they are, the more he LOVES them...the one thing Chester does NOT like if farrier time....as soon as he sees our farrier pull into the yard (especially in summer), he off to the back 40, kicking, bucking and breying....it would take us some time to finally catch him...so now our farrier brings marshmallows....trimmings arent so bad anymore :)
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 04:31:20 +0000

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