Such a wonderful article, read it! Why are babies treated as - TopicsExpress


Such a wonderful article, read it! Why are babies treated as less than human? Why would we WANT to teach our children that we wont be there for them? Why should we get to pick and choose which needs are real and which ones are not. Why should our job as parents simply end at night? Just because theyve been fed and changed doesnt mean they are fine. All they have is their instincts. For all they know, a predator could be lurking and waiting to eat them! They are programmed by God/nature to want to be near us for their own safety and for their proper development. We know that human contact is essential to the developing brain of a baby, but we deny their natural pleas for such contact. We lock them in the dark and even though we may sing, pat them, and say youre okay, sweetie, when we walk out of the room and leave them in the dark alone they may still be cold, hot, uncomfortable, in pain, or just plain scared or lonely! Why is that so wrong? Cry it out or controlled crying is just neglect with a different name. Scientists everywhere know the short and long term consequences of these so-called methods, and they are vast. Most parents also instinctually know these things. Some parents listen to those instincts, and others listen to people like my mother in law who say Just let her cry. She has to learn. Dont let her manipulate you, she doesnt really need anything. Keep it up and youll win eventually. These people usually mean well. They arent setting out to harm a child, but that doesnt change the fact that they are. Argue with me all you want. Say I let my baby cry it out, and he/she is fine. I dont believe you. I believe you broke your child like an animal. I believe they gave up. They didnt magically learn to self-soothe, they just figured out that you suck at being a parent at night time. YOU will be old some day, or you may find yourself in a helpless situation even earlier than that. See how you feel if another person tells you what to feel, when to feel it, and how to express it. See how you feel if they ignore your feelings and only meet the needs that THEY deem valid. See how you feel if you are treated like less than an animal, someone that must be trained. Someone that must lose, so they can win. A baby has far less capacity to understand these things, so the next time your little helpless one cries out, remember that they cry for a reason. Even just wanting to be held is a real NEED. If youve ever seen what happens to those babies in foreign orphanages that never get held or talked to, youll realize the incredible importance of human contact. Its so simple.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 14:34:20 +0000

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