TAKE A FEW MINUTES AND PONDER THE QUESTION POSED, THEN READ JON COLSONS ARTICLE AND SEE IF YOUR MIND IS CHANGED OR THAT YOU WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE. PLEASE GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK. ~Benghazi~MLB Think about that for a minute. If you were asked, has Congress been successful over the last 2 years, what criteria would you use to determine? Write your top 3. Was bipartisanship or willingness to negotiate on your list? Is the amount of legislation that they were able to pass on your list? If so, it is time for a paradigm shift. Why is it that people think that a gridlocked Congress is a bad thing? Why is it that we value a legislator’s ability to “reach across the aisle?” For most people it is because the media has put these beliefs into our heads. The media, and I am not only talking about the mainstream media…all of the media…touts those legislators who can work with others. Think of the founders. Were they negotiators who sought middle ground? Unless you have studied the founding documents and journals of the founders, you probably have no idea. Can it be assumed that they were good negotiators and worked well together? NO! During the founding of this country there were screaming matches and ever a couple of fist-fights. The founders were not people who rushed through legislation in order to beat some arbitrary deadline. They fought tooth and nail for what they believed in. You would also find that they would never vote on legislation that they had not read. The very idea that legislators feel that they have the right to vote on a piece of legislation that they have not read should be cause for removal from office. The founders read and studied the documents. They debated at great length, only after it was well understood exactly what was written and what the likely ramifications would be did they vote. It was this depth of conviction that led to the Bill of Rights. Several states did not believe that states were protected enough so they demanded a Bill of Rights including a secondary focus on the limits of the federal government, which is declared in the Preamble to the Bill of Rights and defined in the 9th and 10th Amendments. That is a lot to say this. The LESS legislation that is passed, the more Congress is doing their job. Legislation should be thoroughly read by EVERY legislator, thoroughly debated and discussed with the primary focus being on whether the Constitution gives the legislature that authority, and only then should a vote be called. Almost 100% of new passed laws do one or both of the following: >Take your freedom by making an action illegal >Take your money by increasing spending. If that is what the legislature is doing, do you not agree that they should be required to have an in-depth understanding? I urge you contact your legislators today and make two very important points. 1. Passing legislation is NOT the definition of success. It should be difficult to pass laws. 2. We demand that they READ the bills, and will be getting rid of all legislators who refuse in upcoming elections.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:40:11 +0000

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