THANK YOU ALL WHO DECIDED THAT IF YOU CANNOT SLEEP BECAUSE OF POLITBURO MEETINGS, YOU SHOULD WAKE ME UP TOO!! MUCH AS I APPRECIATE WE ARE ALL SEIZED WITH THESE ISSUES PLEASE CONSIDER TIME ZONES FOR A STREAMF INCESSANT MESSAGES!! ANYWAY AS BIT, I HAVE READ THE SUNDAYMAIL AND ALL ITS HATCHET JOBS STORIES, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY THE RATHER GLIB OFFICIAL STATEMENT THAT LEFT EVERYTHING TO SPECULATION. It is clear the amendments will be made and are targeted and have nothing to do with constitutional protection of the party but the individuals pushing them. I talk to a very wide cross section of people and they are not fooled by current goings on and particularly the victimisation of Dr Mujuru, what we have are people using sheer brute force of intimidation, coercion and bribery to rail road the party into their own short term gains but with far reaching long term harm that will result in Zanu PF being reduced as a political force. They think they will talk unity after and continue divide and rule, but without the charm and finesse of President Mugabe I struggle to see anyone of the Mnangagwa faction with any such gravitas as to be appealing enough to bring back the glory days once lost at a congress of the unelected electind the illegitimate. What you are going to have is might of mind over matter. The drama is exciting and is keeping us enthralled through the state media. The whole fiction vs reality we are currently going through will be over by first week of December, then only reality will kick in with cde Grace faction coming face to face with reality called THE ECONOMY! WITH A WEAKENED GOVERNMENT AFTER THE RESHUFFLE AND DOLING OUT REWARDS FOR HATCHETING EACH OTHER TO MEDIOCRE PRAISE SINGERS, GRACE WILL DO ANOTHER ROUND OF RALLIES AS INCUMBENT SECRETARY FOR WOMEN AFFAIRS EVEN AS VICE PRESIDENT NOW THAT THE SUBSERVIENT WILL HAVE MADE THAT POSSIBLE. SO BRACE YOURSELVES FOR A BUMPY TRANSITION RIDE, WHAT AN END OF AN ERA, IT REALLY DID NOT HAVE TO END LIKE THIS, BUT THAT IS JUST THE WAY IT IS............. next stop people power, I hope the recruitment into the police and army will be boosted because if riots start across the country when the economy resists a vote of no confidence, nobody can stop the tsunami. The country is being fertilized everyday for such a sad scenario and Zanu PF is sleep walking straight into it. I really hope I am wrong but so far I have never been wrong on my predictions, before they favoured our collective united position, now that we have these deep fissures the center will not hold, the president is so old he does not have it in him anymore beyond those court jesters hiding in his robes using comrade Grace. Many of my factional friends here are going to be gleeful but as patriots i know deep down you are all worried because of all the uncertainty brought upon us with these power retention schemes by those who lost primary and provincial elections roped into cde Graces existential fight. Its called abusing state resources to validate self using those who ply the trade of popularity by association with no principles whatsoever. So when it kicks in I will be reposting this thread as I always do. I told may rhodies resisting land reform that we will defeat them and many fake refugees that we will be opening Zanu PF branches in the diaspora for over a decade and here we are. You know me.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:21:34 +0000

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