THE BIRTH OF THE CHRIST 2000 YEARS AGO IS NO DIFFERENT FROM THE CHRIST THAT WAS BORN 20 YEARS AGO, 50 YEARS AGO OR HOWEVER MANY YEARS AGO EACH ONE OF YOU EMBODIED HERE How many of you have got the Christmas spirit? And how many of you has the Christmas spirit got? You use Christmas to remember something that you have come to feel is significantly meaningful—the birth of the Christ in human experience; the dawning of the remembrance of the divinity of conscious being. And then, because I said I would come again, you have used that celebration of something which happened in the past as the justification for looking forward to my coming again . . . to save you all. But, that first Christmas, as you like to now think of it, could have been used during all of these centuries for another purpose. It could have been used as justification for your showing up, because my birth illustrated the truth of what happens when what you call birth occurs. The Christ that you so willingly acknowledge to have been born 2,000 years ago is no different from the Christ that was born 20 years ago, or 50 years ago, or however many years ago it was that each one of you embodied here. If that had been the basis upon which you used the first Christmas, then you would likely be further along in your Awakening process than you are at the moment, because you would have had the expectation of seeing more evidence of your divinity. You see? You would have recognized that your function, at the bottom line, was to remember who you Are, so that who you Are might show up in the world. That is still the point. That is still your function. Some of you may have heard that an announcement was made that sometime before the end of this year [1997], Maitreya is going to appear as a guest on a talk show on television. If you have heard that, then there is undoubtedly some curiosity with which you check in to the talk shows. And now that you do know, if you didn’t know before I mentioned it, you might find yourself a little more curious about the talk shows than you usually are. Why would you want to see the incarnation or manifestation of the Christ if He were to appear on TV? Because you expect that it would be meaningful. You expect that it would be significant. And if you knew ahead of time which show He would be on, and what time, in all likelihood no one could keep you from being in front of your TV to see it. What would be the nature of the attention you would bring to that television program and that individual? You would bring, at the least, an optimism that maybe this might just be the Christ. You would be willing to look with more innocent eyes than you usually watch guests on talk shows. There would be more willingness, more readiness to see the Christ there. You would bring a gift that would open up your eyes and make it possible for you to see the Christ there. Now, the Christ reappearing is not going to save you from having to remember who you Are and let the Christ that you Are be embodied right where you are. And so, what I want to encourage you to do in this Christmas Season is: Let the first Christmas remind you of your showing-up time. And let there be more willingness to let all of what the Christ is have a place to find expression in you. If you will do that, you will find that the Christmas spirit will not have hold of you, grinding you down in the pressure and tension of the commercialism. You will find yourself quite able to be the presence of Love, to be the presence of what is Meaningful with perfect equilibrium throughout the holiday season. If all of you would love to be able to turn on the TV and actually have the Christ be there addressing you and everyone else, because that would be Meaningful, what makes you think that everyone isn’t waiting for you to show up as that which is Meaningful? Ultimately, the Second Coming is your coming, your showing up, your showing up, your showing up. Every one of You showing up, is the Second Coming! You could say I am here right now, and I am here talking to you. And the purpose of my Second Coming is to point you in the direction of your Second Coming! You’ve all got to let this wonderful, holy, divine presence that you Are, out! Let it show up! You’ve got to let that become more important than all your petty and seemingly important reactions to things. You’ve got to let it be more important than all of your preconceptions about things—Well, they’re behaving this way. I must respond. I must react. I must stand up for principle. I must continue to put into the world what my parents put in, and my grandparents put in, and what tradition has told me is important. You see? But you don’t have to! You can be in the moment without preconceptions, without premeditation, as Paul is doing right now. And when you dare to do that, you won’t be mute. You won’t be nonexistent. But what comes out of your mouth will be Meaningful. It will be inspiring. It will be that which puts into the air what needs to be heard, what’s important to be heard, what helps everyone else. You cannot fathom the impact that it has, or that it will have, for you to come from that unpremeditated place of genuineness in you in every aspect of your daily life. Well, it would be easier if this was the Kingdom of Heaven. Well, I’ve been telling you, this is the Kingdom of Heaven! Your preconceptions blind you to what It really is. Your definite commitment to what you believe, blinds you to the Kingdom of Heaven. And if, indeed, Maitreya shows up, it isn’t going to relieve anyone from having to loosen their hold on their very definite concepts about what this all is [gesturing to the room and the world outdoors]. It isn’t going to relieve anyone of having to dare to embody all that is essentially good, all that is essentially loving—where you are the one who returns love for hate because there’s nothing more important to you than not losing the experience of your divinity, the experience of being Whole, yourself, and daring to show up, no matter what is going on. If you would be willing to look at a TV on the chance that what you see might be the Christ, then be willing to look at your brother or your sister, your companion, your mother or your father or your children, expecting that possibly what you see there might be the Christ. And look at this world considering the possibility that what is here might be the Kingdom of Heaven, so that you can have justification for a little bit of curiosity. That’s the gift you can bring this Christmas: The willingness to see what is Real in each and every thing that you have been conditioned to believe is not the Kingdom of Heaven, and who you have been conditioned to believe is not the Christ. Bring that little willingness to see more than you’re convinced is there. Let that be your gift. And don’t let any justification for anything less creep in. My gift to you is telling you who you Are, and being with you as though you really are That! And I am saying, extend that same gift. You don’t have to talk spiritual talk. But if you’re with someone who might be the Christ, well, you might bite your tongue a little bit sooner than usual, and not say that hurtful or judgmental thing. And you just might find a way to say something that’s kinder. Many years ago, just after Paul opened up to me, he was living in a part of town that was a lower class, relatively rough neighborhood. And at that point, he tended to be sort of private, anyway. He was walking the two or three blocks it took to get to the store, and somebody was approaching in the opposite direction, walking. Paul was inclined to keep his eyes to the right and not encounter this person, who was not beautifully dressed or well kept. But, he went against his inclination and said, Good morning. And the other person looked up from the ground, and then looked around, and said, It is a good morning, isn’t it? And walked on. The extension of kindness, pleasantness, of willingness to be involved, created the opportunity for that person to notice something he hadn’t noticed—that it was a beautiful morning. You see? As usual, I’m not saying anything new. But truth is truth, and you need to keep hearing that the truth that you’ve known in one way or another, really is the truth, and really is the essential element that will transform the world. So, have fun celebrating my birthday, but, don’t let it end there! When you go to bed Christmas eve . . . please, I want you to consider that maybe it’s your birth-night, the Christ of you—that point at which there is a sudden willingness to let the very best in you be embodied with commitment on the very next day when, in many instances, it is a day of stress rather than the day of joy that everyone wants it to be. And what is the gift that the Christ of you has to give? The acknowledgment of the Christ in everyone else—the willingness to recognize the Christ in everyone else, and the willingness to recognize the Kingdom of Heaven, in all Its glory, right ~Raj/Jesus, Christmas Message 2010 Conducted by the Northwest Foundation for ACIM nwffacim.wordpress FaceBook: https://facebook/groups/183859725130360/ Now I am present with and available to every single one of you, everyone at every moment. And so it is my intent in being with groups of people like this to make this fact known and by Pauls presence and demeanor also convey the fact that my being available doesnt require of anyone any special talent, because Paul is about as regular as anyone else on this planet and has no special talent in order to hear me. Does that clarify that for you? For those of you who are students of A Course In Miracles, I will take this opportunity to point out that my time spent with Helen Schucman was also not a special instance. And although there have been some expressions of the fact, or the idea-not the fact-the idea that everyone else cant expect the same sort of relationship with me or with Guidance that she experienced, is untrue. It is an attempt to elevate her, and to elevate the Course into a false position of religious respect, whether it is stated that way or not. All of the activities of the Northwest Foundation for A Course In Miracles are provided without charge or obligation. This is possible because of thoughtfulness, love extended without conditions. Such is the nature of Gift. As a result these materials are available to you, because someone like you has already gifted you with them. And, at Rajs instruction, these materials will never be sold. If you would like to add your thoughtfulness and love, to gift others with the availability of these materials, please contact -----oOo-----
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 17:07:04 +0000

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