THE “BLOOD OF JESUS” PHENOMENON: CATHOLIC ATTITUDE Just like the slogan “Holy Ghost Fire” crept into Christian terminology for casting off fears and driving off evil spirits, so it is with the call and the covering of oneself or one’s car with “The Blood of Jesus” in times of trouble and as form of protection. Even though the phrase Blood of Jesus” isn’t strange in Christian History (Heb 10:19’ 1Pet 1:2; 1Jn 1:7), it was never used by the Apostles and Early Christians as an expression to combat fear or any principalities as it is used today. This is also Pentecostal influence which has become viral amongst most Christian Denominations; Catholics – Priests, Religious or Laity – inclusive. Yet some Catholics don’t feel comfortable at such expression as it sounds like an abuse of the Blood of Jesus or a verbal caricature of the Precious Blood of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. “BLOOD” generally signifies “Life” - “For the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Lev 17:11). Blood also expresses deeper relationship like family, clan, kinship and folk. It is inclusive in 1. COVERING OF SHAME - God covered the nakedness of Adam and Eve with Animal Skin (Gen 3:21) 2. ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE - God accepted the sacrifice of Abel which involves Blood (Gen 4:4-5; Heb 11:4); and Sacrifice of Noah after the flood (Gen 8:20) 3. A PROTECTION and PASSING OVER - The people of Israel sprinkled Blood on the doorposts during Passover (Ex 12:7,12-13) 4. A COVENANTAL SEAL - Moses sprinkled the Altar and the People with the Blood from the Sacrifice saying Here is the blood of the covenant that God has made with you... (Ex 24:5-8). 5. As a REMISSION OF SIN - Sin Offering (Lev 4). Remember that the Blood here is the blood of an unblemished lamb (Ex 12:5) which is offered every morning (Ez. 46:13). John the Baptist revealed Jesus Christ as the “Lamb of God” (Jn 1:36), given to the world (cf Jn 3:16; Heb 1:1-3); to save the world from their Sin (Matt 1:21); Who is like us in everything but sin (Heb 4:15); the Lamb unblemished and spotless (1Pet 1:19); The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the World (Jn 1:29). According to the Old Testament Law, almost all cleansings have to be performed with blood; and that there is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood (Heb 9:22) - Jesus, our High Priest (Heb 3:1) did not take with himself the blood of goats and bulls but his OWN BLOOD, obtaining definitive Redemption (cf. Heb 9:12-13) and as a new Covenant (Matt 26:28; 1Cor 11: 25) by shedding his blood on the Cross (Jn 19:30). The Church has always held the BLOOD OF JESUS as His Body in Highest Value – The Fountain and Summit of Christian Worship; The NEW COVENANT (Matt 26:26-29) through which we become ONE with Jesus Christ Himself and SURE of Eternal Life (Jn 6:53-56). It is the Mystery that the Church Celebrates every day (Ez 46:13) in memory of Him (1Cor 11:25). His BODY AND BLOOD in the HOLY EUCHARIST is His True Presence with Effective Salvation, Redemption, Forgiveness, Protection, Propitiation, Unity and Love - The Gift of Christ Himself to the Church at the Last Supper. His BLOOD is referenced and adored every moment of Church’s Life (Acts 2:46-47). IS IT WRONG TO COVER ONE WITH THE BLOOD OF JESUS? Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Rom 10:13). And if someone convincingly covers him/herself, his/her household and his/her property – not with the blood of the lamb as in the Old Testament But -with the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, will Jesus be angry even when Jesus Himself had paid for all these once and for all? (Heb 10:10). However, calling “The Blood of Jesus” has become more or less like calling the Name of God in vain (cf Ex 20:7) as it has become an exclamation with no honor or reference or regard for the person of Jesus Himself. And it is very abusive and disrespecting the Blood of Jesus if you have to cover everything: your car tyres, bathroom slippers, toothpick, cloth-hangers, toilet-seat, etc with the blood of Jesus at every opportunity. FOR CATHOLICS: Actually, the Catholic Church has a Devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus which is traced back to antiquity. The Feast of the Precious Blood of our Lord was however instituted in 1849 by Pope Pius IX, and it is celebrated in July 1 while the entire month is dedicated to the Devotion. You already have “The Blood of Jesus” with and over you. But it seems the many influences of other Churches around is blocking your understanding, devotion, and recognition of the True Presence of Christ in the Blessed Eucharist – which many now receive without faithfully examining themselves thereby like those who abuse the BLOOD OF JESUS, they abuse the Lord in the BLESSED SACRAMENT. Let us remind ourselves again: Therefore, if anyone eats of the bread or drinks from the cup of the Lord unworthily, HE/SHE SINS AGAINST THE BODY AND BLOOD OF THE LORD. Let each one, then, examine him/herself before eating of the bread and drinking from the cup. Otherwise, he/she eats and drinks his/her own condemnation in not recognizing the Body and Blood of Jesus. This is the reason why so many among you are sick and weak and several have died. If we examined and corrected ourselves, the Lord would not have to exercise judgment against us (1Cor.11:27-31). According to Bl. Pope John XXIII “The infinite love of the Savior is announced in His Name, is symbolized in His heart, and is made eloquent in His Blood.” May the Blood of Jesus set us free from sin and sorrow. Amen. Be Blessed
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 02:44:08 +0000

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