THE CONSTITUTION OF CHARITY FOUNDATION ORPHANAGE (C.F.O) TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I Preamble……………………………………………………………………………………….1 PART II ARTICLE 1: ESTABLISHMENT-NAME………………………………………………….......2 ARTICLE 2: ADMINISTRATION, VISION, MISSION, VALUE AND DOCTRINAL STATEMENT, OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANIZATION………………2 ARTICLE 3: MEMBERSHIP…………………………………………………………………….4 ARTICLE 4: OFFICE BEARERS, ELECTIONS AND MEETINGS……………………………5 ARTICLE 5: CONDITIONS AND TERMS FOR ELIGIBILITY OF VICTIMS (SERVICE/SUPPORT RECIPIENTS)……………………………………………………………9 ARTICLE 6: FUNDING AND RESOURCES MOBILIZATION AND UTILIZATION………10 ARTICLE 7: BANKING AND BANKERS AND FINANCE MANAGEMENT………………11 ARTICLE 8: AUDITORS………………………………………………………………………12 ARTICLE 9: RATIFICATION AND AMENDMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS…………….12 ARTICLE 10: ADOPTION OR DECLARATION……………………………………………..14 PART I PREAMBLE: We, the members of “Charity Foundation Orphanage (C.F.O)” do hereby establish this constitution and by-laws in order to fully realize our purpose of assisting needy orphans and underprivileged widows of the orphans who will be supported. Considering the fact that more children in Tanzania are becoming orphans due to the scourge of HIV/AIDS, war, road accidents, hunger, malaria, disasters and other problems in our community, Considering the vulnerability of a cross section of orphans due to lack of proper care, from the guardians, and the social stress they are facing, We, the members of “Charity Foundation Orphanage (C.F.O)” we have agreed each other to be volunteers by providing our moral and material contributions of the guardianship in Tanzania, Africa and elsewhere globally. PART II ARTICLE 1: ESTABLISHMENT-NAME 1.1 There is hereby established an organization to be known and called CHARITY FOUNDATION ORPHANAGE (C.F.O) which shall hereafter be referred as the organization. 1.2 The head office of the organization shall be situated in Mvomero district, Morogoro region PROVIDED ALWAYS that branch offices may be established wherever in Tanzania as members shall deem fit. Mwanza, Kilimanjaro, Dar es salaam, Arusha, Mbeya, Tanga, Mtwara, Lindi and Kagera regions can be considered firstly and respectively, since it seems that demographically these regions are mostly with the needy and vulnerable orphans, widows and widowers. 1.3 The organization shall be nonprofit and non-political and shall operate exclusively for improving conditions of education and life standard in The United Republic of Tanzania through a holistic and care giving approach to development. ARTICLE 2: ADMINISTRATION, VISION, MISSION, VALUE AND DOCTRINAL STATEMENT, OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANIZATION 2.1 ADMINISTRATION Subject to the matter set out below, the organization and its properties shall be administered and managed in accordance with the constitution by the management committee with powers from Members of the Board of Directors (all donors). 2.2 OUR VISION Charity Foundation Orphanage (C.F.O) is aiming to improve the education and living standard of needy orphans, vulnerable widows and widowers regardless their tribes, genders, races, religions and other differences. Similarities only are considered first. Differences shall never be considered. 2.3 OUR MISSION 2.3.1The mission of Charity Foundation Orphanage (C.F.O) shall be to achieve transformation through self-help initiatives, relief, giving all necessary to needy orphans and vulnerable and less privileged widows and widowers of our community by caring them. 2.3.2 Manifesting God’s love and care towards mankind by actions since we believe on (Act17:26) that faith without works is dead. 2.4 VALUE AND DOCTRINAL STATEMENT FROM THE CALL OF JAMES 1:27 (NIV). “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” James 1:27 (NIV) In the Bible, God gives many promises to the fatherless & widows. He promises to…Defend them; Rescue them; Deliverthem; Not to leave them; Come to them; Hear them; Lift them up; Be their Father; Make them a home; Lead them out; Not forget them; Extend mercy towards them; Execute true justice for them; Give them food and clothing; Be their helper; Incline His ear to them; God promises to not forget orphans & widows; Maintain their cause. It is obvious how much He loves the fatherless and the widow. God calls on us (me and you-a reader) to be His agents of action in bringing these promises to fruition in the lives of orphans and widows. That is clearly the call of James 1:27. So we, Charity Foundation Orphanage C.F.O) call you all of good Samaritans and all God’s people in the world, to join us in taking action-to donate, to give, to go, to pray, to adopt, to take up foster care work, to act on behalf of the orphans and widows in our communities. 2.5 OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANIZATION 2.5.1 OBJECTIVES (a) General objectives of the organization shall be: (i) To provide financial support for the secondary school vulnerable orphan scholars. (ii) Monitoring their educational progress. (iii) To remove obstacles those hinder their progress. (iv) To give the needy orphans the monthly allowance to help meet their basic needs so they do not have to go to make money for their daily meals, clothing and education contributions such as school fees, while those having the parents are staying to school for studying. (v) To provide the protection of food, shelter, clothing, better education, medical care and physical exercises requirements for their fitness and having good health. (vi) To provide spiritual and emotional supports. (vii)To strongly support and teach the view that orphans, widows and widowers are a wonderful part of the family of God and they are respected, remembered, cared and considered positively in the society since there is no anybody who signed forever living contract of birth and death, so anybody, anybody and at any time can be an orphan or widow or widower. (viii) To enhance preventive measures against corruption, poverty, disasters, HIV/AIDS, malaria, albino killings, women dehumanization, civil wars, female genital mutilation, and other Cross cutting issue. And to promote initiatives among communities, members for the care of those individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS. (ix) To operate a revolving micro-finance scheme for poverty eradication among the society and Children foster families. (x) To establish children’s foster homes and take care of the vulnerable orphans, widows and widowers in the community. (xi) To provide a secure base for the orphans physical, mental, psychological and emotional growth. (xii) To apply to any international body, non-government and government organizations, or any authority public organization. (b) Specific objectives (i) To meet the needs of orphans, widows and widowers, needy and vulnerable ones. (ii) To provide orphans with a safe hygienic and family environment for their physical and spiritual development. (iii) To create a loving environment in which the orphans, abandoned children, widows and widowers can fill loved and cared as others in the community. (iv) To provide orphaned children with hope, love, and prospects for the future. 2.5.2 ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANIZATION The activities of the organization shall be in accord with its objectives. Generally our daily activities include the implementation of the goals and giving hope to orphans, widows and widowers. ARTICLE 3: MEMBERSHIP (i) Currently all donors (individuals, groups, associations, government and non-government organizations, institutions, funds, trustees, families, communities foundations who are from 18 age and willing to be members are eligible to be members, provided that they have to send their subscriptions to infocharityfoundation@gmailor charitychairperson@gmail and the membership shall still open to all people of each kind wherever in the world who subscribe to and share by donation, or volunteering works without considering their religions, race, gender, tribe, colour, and other differences excluding criminal cases. All members shall be awarded the legal and formal service certificates, donation certificates, sponsorship certificates and so many gifts according to their level and grade of donation. (ii) Founders of this organization are direct members. Without affecting article 3(i), all volunteers are members and all members are volunteers. They can volunteer their, time, power, prayers, clothes, food, school fees, uniforms, bags, medicine,logistical supports and or office requirements and so on. ARTICLE 4: OFFICE BEARERS, ELECTIONS AND MEETING 4.1 OFFICE BEARERS (i) This organization shall have Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, General Secretary and a Treasurer who shall be considered as office bearers. (ii) Each officer bearer shall serve for one (1) year and may be reelected during Annual General Meeting (AGM) or whenever for the betterment of the program. (iii) The office bearers shall be under supervision of Donors who shall act as Board of Directors till the system will be changed. (iv) Office bearers shall be elected each spring at a regular meeting with due announcement of 14 days given. (v) The Board of Directors and other organization members can terminate the officers’ leadership and other members’ membership by any time for indiscipline cases, criminal cases, corruption, dehumanization activities, proving failure and other reasons for the betterment and sustainability of the organization. (vi) The roles and responsibilities of the organization workers shall be as follows: I. The Chairperson should: a) Be the Chief executive officer of the organization and shall preside at all meetings and direct the activities of the organization. b) Coordinate all organization activities by keeping in touch with other officers and workers and keeps him or her to ensure that the organization is moving according to its established goals. c) Begin the meeting on time and proceed in a good manner (members should be there if they know that the meeting is begun). d) Keep the meetings and organization under control, always limit. e) Be responsible for a report on the status of the programs’ activities at the meeting. f) Refer him or her as “the head”. g) Prepare, to read and send annual report of the organization of each year to all resources and financial donors, sponsors and supporters by the end of financial and calendar year of the organization per each year. h) Be a link among donors, supporters, sponsors, officers, Board of Directors, members and supported victims. i) Be considered as Member of the Board of Directors and s/he can suggest other Board members. j) To send proposal and to receive the proposal’s reply. k) Should know that s/he is the main speaker of the organization. II. The Vice Chairperson should. a) Assist the Chairperson and assume his or her power in his or her absence. b) Assist the Chairperson to take photographs (full pictures and passport size pictures and videos where necessary) and to get action pictures when possible (of the victims who shall be supported and those who are suggested to be supported, office workers, office tools and its compounds and so on). c) Gather photos and news releases and activities for publication. d) Assist the Chairperson to deal with information, communication, blog, website, Facebook accounts, pages, twitter and technologies and others. e) To assist the Chairperson to send organization news, photos, academic progressive reports and other required information to donors, mass media and others. III. The General Secretary should: a) Maintain General Secretary’s book. Keep the minutes of all meetings, correspondences for the organization, and keep all records of the organization including the roster of members. b) Assist with the preparation of agenda. c) Include a copy of the Treasurer’s report in the minutes. d) Keeping safely the offices, the constitutions and by-laws of the organization, records and photographs of the services and support recipients, photograph equipment and all official documents. e) Carry out all correspondences and publicity on behalf of the organization. IV. The Treasurer should: a) Keep records of all financial transactions. The entries should be recorded in ink and a Treasurer’s ledger book. b) Keep a record of all incoming money noting the date, and from whom, of where the money, resources or any form of donation was received. c) Record all expenses noting the date and to whom the money was paid. d) Obtain and keep a copy of all receipts in the permanent record. e) Be prepared to report the financial, sponsorships and donations status of the organization at any time. f) Obtain and present ideas and suggestions to the membership for increasing the treasury and financing different activities. V. Other workers Other workers can be added for the betterment of office management. For instance personal or office secretary and security guard especially of the head office, but they shall not be known as officers. 4.2. ELECTIONS, CONDITION & TERMS OF CONDIDATES 4.2.1 All types of elections shall be done democratically 4.2.2. The election of officers shall be by a majority vote of the members. The chairperson shall be elected first followed by vice chairperson, secretary and Treasurer in that order 4.2.3 The position of Chairperson, Vice chairperson and accountant, the level of education should be at least the level of university. S/he can be a degree holder or a University profession scholar studying any degree, PROVIDED THAT within the program running duration s/he shall be a degree holder. Thus diploma and certificate holders shall not be considered. Additional advantage of degree holders or degree scholars of the following faculties or schools shall be considered mostly: Administration and management, sociology or law. 4.2.4 Transparency, accountability, non-corruption and other qualities of good leaders should be common to all candidates and any officer who will not must these qualifications can be chased out of the office immediately for the betterment of the program. 4.2.5 The general secretary’s level of education should be at least Certificate of Records Management and secretarial courses. Also s/he shall have an experience of at least 5 years. 4.2.6 All officers should have professions or they can be profession scholars. 4.2.7 All officers should be saved, committed Christians, good ambassadors and trusted in the societies with faithfulness and fear of God 4.2.8 All officers should not demand salary, they should volunteer, and consideration can be done in terms of allowance when the budget allows. 4.2.9 They should be ready to work anywhere rural or urban, in and out of Tanzania, Africa and other world nations outside of Africa in general. 4.3 MEETINGS The organization shall hold at least 4 meeting each year at such time and place as shall be determined by the organization leaders include officers, sponsors and donors (Members of the Board of Directors). 4.3.1 Meeting shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rule of Orders 4.3.2 All members shall be given at least seven (7) days’ notice of a meeting unless it is deemed an emergency meeting. 4.3.3 Also the Organization shall hold an annual general meeting (AGM) at no more than (15) month interval. 4.3.4 Where possible members shall be notified a personally, otherwise notice will be deemed served by advertising the meeting in at least 5 public places and 2 mass media giving at least 14 days’ notice of the AGM. 4.3.5 The business of AGM shall include: a. Receiving a report from the chairperson of the organization’s activities over the year b. Receiving a report and presentation of the last financial year’s accounts from the Treasurer on the finance of the organization. c. Electing a new Management and democratic committee and considering any other matter as may be appropriate at such a meeting. ARTICLE 5: CONDITIONS AND TERMS FOR ELIGIBILITY OF VICTIMS OR SERVICE RECIPIENTS 5.1 All orphans shall be qualified through stringent process of investigation including neighborhoods and Schools to ensure that all information and the data gathered about the vulnerable orphans is certified legally, formally and that there is no any kind of lies. 5.2. Various legal documents including death certificate of the parent(s), school additional records of the orphans, discipline and academicProgressive reports, National identification cards and the introduction letter from the Executive Wart officers, street chairperson and Ambassadors note about him or her and his or her family shall be acquired before the qualifications process. 5.3 The priority shall be given to those who have no both father and mother and they have no food, Shelter & clothes. And at the same time they have physical disabilities while they are doing well academically. 5.4 Also the recipients of these services shall be those who are living under $ US 1 per day. 5.5 Those who are doing well academically and disciplinary will be considered also after having eligibility. 5.6 Ladies orphans shall be considered mostly so as to empower them, since in Tanzania the girl child is more disadvantaged, discriminated, humiliated, oppressed, exploited and dehumanized in general than the boy child. 5.7Also the vulnerable widows or widowers or guardians with weak economic base with no food, Shelter, clothes and medical care can be provided to them with the condition that s/he should have a Student who is supported by CHARITY FOUNDATION ORPHANAGE. 5.8 The same process of eligibility shall be done to the needy widows, widowers or guardians. 5.9 The whole process of checking and processing the eligibility and to decide who of the victims have rights to have the money and other forms of support shall be done democratically by all members of Charity Foundation Orphanage. 5.10. We, members of Charity Foundation Orphanage shall visit at schools frequently to follow up onthe progress of the victims who are supported.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 22:59:26 +0000

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