THE ESSENTIALS OF TONY NWOYE Born a twin in Onitsha, on 13th - TopicsExpress


THE ESSENTIALS OF TONY NWOYE Born a twin in Onitsha, on 13th September 1974 to Chief Lawrence and Mrs. Christiana Nwoye of Offianta Nsugbe in Anambra East L.G.A of Anambra state Tony Okechukwu Nwoye’s rise to the top echelon of the National politics has been nothing short of meteoric. This simple man with a very humble beginning had his early education at Metropolitan Secondary School, Onitsha where he demonstrated outstanding academic excellence that immediately earned him admission into the prestigious College of Medicine of the University Of Nigeria. He furthered his quest for medical training at the College of Medicine, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. While he has always demonstrated uncanny interest in political affairs from his childhood days, his political career blossomed during his days as a medical student in the University of Nigeria. From asserting himself as an opinion leader in the University of Nigeria’s Medical Association (UNMSA) even as a very junior student, Tony led the movement that tenaciously but diplomatically pressured the authorities of the University of Nigeria into lifting the ban on students’ unionism after many years of having the student movement under locks and keys. Following that, he won a seat to represent medical students in the Student’s union House of Representatives, a feat that is notable as Tony was coming from the youngest eligible medical class. He subsequently contested and won the Speakership of S.U.G House of Representatives, defeating older and more established student politicians in that epochal feat. He was the first medical student to serve in that capacity in the history of University of Nigeria. He ran a very vibrant House, fought tenaciously for the rights of the students and refused to compromise on his principles of honest/sincere representation. Comrade Tony Nwoye never gave up on his principled and courageous leadership even in the face of threats and even academic victimization from the authorities then. In December 2003, Tony was elected the National president of National Association of Nigeria Student (NANS) in a fiercely contested election. He is the first and only Igbo student to have attained that height. He recorded unprecedented successes in that office. He fought the Federal government to a standstill on many issues concerning the Nigerian students’ rights and welfare and in a demonstration of rare political savvy uncommon for someone his age. He got the Federal Government of Nigeria under President Olusegun Obasanjo to take the students’ position into consideration in the various government policies on education and students’ welfare. Tony by his strides became a household name in youth leadership and movement in the country. Little wonder that he was thereafter elected the Assistant Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Anambra State PDP in 2005. By 2006, he rose from that office to become the substantive Chairman of the State Executive Committee of the Anambra State PDP at the unbelievable young age of 31, making him the youngest State Chairman of a political party in the entire nation – a national record. Most remarkably, he went ahead to deliver for PDP and recorded a resounding victory in the State and Federal positions at the 2007 General Election. In 2010, owing to his outstanding track record in public service, Tony was beckoned on by his people to bring his vast leadership experience to bear more directly on them. He thus contested and very easily won a seat to represent his people of Anambra East/West constituency in the Federal House of Representatives. However, the retrogressive forces that has held Anambra state hostage for donkey years contrived to cause his certificate of Return to be issued to their crony who never ran. A firm believer in the rule-of-law, Tony challenged this illegality in court and won! Currently, he is a member – elect of the Federal House of Representatives. Tony is naturally an activist, a grass-root mobiliser, a consensus builder and a very consummate political strategist. He is easily at home with both the nobles and the ordinary folks even as he is quick to identify with the later as his primary constituency and, in his own words, ‘the focus of his foray into politics’. His love of people and desire to improve the lives of the down-trodden even at the risk of his personal and political interests marks him out as a politician of a different ilk. In Tony, the Anambra people are being presented a leader with very rare combination of attributes – young but vastly experienced, dynamic, purposeful and a team player. He is result-oriented, an out-and-out grass root person but with very wide vertical reach. But beyond all these, the Anambra people will find in Comrade Tony Nwoye that youthful, up-to-date leader who despite of his obvious sophistication in contemporary politics, retains the common touch - the human element. He shares genuine comradeship with the youths and the masses and deeply empathizes with the dispossessed and the down trodden. He feels their pains, shares their hopes and will address their needs. Little wonder he was nicknamed: “The Voice of the Masses” by the teeming population of Anambra State. Tony Nwoye represents voice for peace, prosperity and progress. A credible alternative. He has promises to take a new direction with a fresh approach. His government if voted shall be a government by the people for the People. He is an Everyday Man working for Everyday People. He is the change we need. A voice we deserve. His mission is to build our future together: for our Children; our Community; our Future. A Leader who listens. Tony has served the nation selflessly and meritoriously in various capacities some of which include: 2004: Member, Presidential committee against Illegal arms and violent crimes 2005: Member, National Political Reform conference, Member Federal committee on 2006 census, 2005 - Leader of the Nigerian Delegation to the World Youth Summit in Venezuela. 2006: Non - Executive Director, Hadejiyah Jamaare River Basin, Kano – Federal ministry of Water Resources. He is the owner and non executive Director of Vintage Consolidated Ltd, a construction, building and Engineering company. He is also a trustee of many NGO’s. He is a devout Catholic and is married with children.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 02:34:15 +0000

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