THE GREAT “I AM” [Read Exodus 3:1-15] What a dialogue between - TopicsExpress


THE GREAT “I AM” [Read Exodus 3:1-15] What a dialogue between God and Moses by the burning bush! Some fifteen hundred years before Christ, the LORD revealed His Deity to Moses. It was similar to Abrams experience when God said to him, “I AM Almighty God” [Genesis 17:1]. Moses, a Hebrew, grew up as the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter. Educated and trained in all the customs of Egypt, he knew the protocol of the Egyptian lifestyle and culture. One day when he was forty, he saw an Egyptian fighting with a Hebrew. In his endeavour to separate them, he killed the Egyptian aggressor. Later two Hebrews were quarrelling and Moses tried to help them settle their differences. The Israelite aggressor asked Moses, “Will you kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” Word soon got out what Moses had done. Fearing for his life, he fled Egypt to the desert of Midian. Arriving in Midian, Moses met and married a shepherd’s daughter, and for forty years cared for his father-in-law’s sheep. This highly educated man was humbled to a nomadic lifestyle, by rushing ahead of God’s timing for Israel’s deliverance from bondage...through him. But God knew where he was and when to send him into action. One day in the desert everything suddenly changed. While caring for the sheep near Mount Horeb, Moses saw a bush on fire. The flames were leaping heavenward...but the bush was not consumed. That strange sight grabbed his attention. With curiosity he watched the fire, wondering why the bush wasn’t consumed. He moved closer. As he approached the fire, he heard the voice of God coming from within the bush, “Moses! Moses! He answered, “Here am I.” Without realizing it, he was standing on holy ground, in the presence of Almighty God. God used the fire to get his attention. That day, at eighty years of age, God called him to deliver Israel from Egyptian slavery. God said, “I am sending you.” “I will be with you.” Stubbornly Moses resisted, making every excuse he could think of to get out of doing God’s will. Nevertheless, God kept at him until he surrendered. Finally Moses said to God, “Suppose I go...” “Who will I say sent me?” “God said, “I AM WHO I AM.” Tell them, “I AM” has sent me to you.” [Exodus 3:13-14] Wow! When God wants us to do something special for Him, He knows how to deal with our shortcomings....often quickly. God persisted in His call and Moses eventually obeyed. In God’s time Israel was delivered from bandage and Moses. Since God is complete in Himself, He would be, and was everything Moses needed to accomplish the mission. The same God Moses met and the “I AM”, will be everything we need when we surrender to His call and will for our lives. Did you know JESUS is the New Testament fulfillment of the Great I AM? He is “...the image of the invisible God,” [Colossians 1:15]. He said, “I AM the Alpha and the Omega.......Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come, the Almighty.” [Revelation 1:8] “I AM.... the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” [Revelation 22:12] He said, “Before Abraham was, I AM.” [John 8:58] Jesus also said, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” [John 14:6] There is no One greater that Jesus. His Name is great and higher than any other. Calling on His Name brings salvation, healing, deliverance, help, power, courage, renewal, refreshing. No One and no Name is more powerful. He’s our Saviour and hope for a rich eternity...holds our eternal destiny in His Hands. May our faith, hope and trust always be firmly rooted in Jesus our Great “I AM.” – George Shaw [From Moments of Inspiration Vol III]
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 21:41:06 +0000

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