THE HEROIC ACTIONS THAT OUR WARRIORS DO ON A DAILY BASIS IS FORGOTTEN BY MANY, THE SELFLESS ACTS TO PROTECT OUR NATION LEADS TO THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE FOR MANY!! That they do this for us here at home, without a doubt makes them all HEROS!! That their loved ones, Family and Friends have to continue on, sons, daughters, mothers and fathers will never again enjoy their presence, to hear them laugh, children never to feel their fathers arms around them and the words...I LOVE YOU!! To many of us, this is a loss that will forever be in our hearts, for others..they will go on about their daily lives never to understand that each and every individual soldier that has fought and died has ensured their FREEDOM to live their lives!! It saddens me to watch this video, knowing that there are those who could care less of this individuals sacrifice, that they go about trying to destroy the very thing these warriors died to protect, not understanding that without this persons sacrifice, they wouldnt have the FREEDOM to destroy FREEDOM!! Our president, the man that SHOULD UNDERSTAND, has now disgraced himself even more by telling those warriors still fighting for this Great Nation, that their sacrifices are for naught, for as they make their way home, they no longer are wanted or needed!!! This saddens me greatly, as the tears fall down my face, my head bowed in silence, I wonder how our nation has fallen so far from what we once were!!! I worry and am afraid for my children and grand children, that if WE as a people do not STAND TOGETHER as one and defend that which they died to protect, my grandchildren will never know what a FREE AMERICA was!! I Pray and Hope that this persons ultimate sacrifice, the giving of his life so that we can have a life has not been wasted, that an awakening of great multitudes to the realization that we are on the brink, a tipping point of decision!! Do we live in FREEDOM with LIBERTY or do we meekly surrender LIBERTY and FREEDOM to a TYRANNICAL LEFTIST GOVERNMENT???? I for one will not go quietly into the night.....I will fight for LIBERTY and FREEDOM and if need be, gladly sacrifice my life in that fight so that my children and grandchildren can live with LIBERTY and the FREEDOM to do as it was intended! GOD BLESS AMERICA!! MAY WE BE BLESSED WITH THE WISDOM AND STRENGTH TO PROTECT AND PRESERVE THIS GREAT NATION!!!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 14:42:43 +0000

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