THE MALAYSIAN AIRLINES BOEING 777 JET... ---------------------------------------------------- CNN and other news agencies may be unwilling to bring it out in plain English and might end up just discussing the issue academically, but people have begun to wonder whether the lost airliner needs to be found...Do countries with global financial interests actually want the Black Box to tell the world what happened...? What if it reveals information that will cripple or black list countries or MNCs with huge business stakes in aviation or in parts supply...? Canada is worrying about spurious parts in its Hercules fleet and India has sent its Hercules Black box to the USA to tell us its horrifying secrets as to why top grade IAF pilots flew a spanking new world class Hercules into a hillock by broad daylight ... No one can at this stage hazard a guess but do try and follow CNN...It is openly discussing that the Black Box of the Malaysian Boeing 777 might simply not be found...They are saying that far more is known than has been put out... The Indian and the Malaysian loss; the Canadian spurious parts worry are probably not linked but with the search countries unable to find the 777 at a time when a Golf Ball is being located by satellites from 35,000 miles up, people have a right to wonder why a 61 meter by 50 meter airliner cannot be located...
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:42:47 +0000

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