THE OBAMINATION AND HIS OBAMINITES: Again, Folks; BO is NOT stupid, he is simply totally evil . . . and he and his fellow obamanites have made tremendous strides in the subverting of our Republic. IF the truth was know we would probably see that he and they are right on schedule and thus in whom their god, Beelzebub, must surely be well please. Those of us who know our history and who were children back in those days that were also DARK, must recall that Hitler began his rise to power in the early 1930s and over the course of about 5-6 years had just about elevated himself in the mind of the citizens to god status; BO have accomplished that to some extent in the minds and souls of many . . . . and Hitlers initial rise followed by his ultimate destruction of his nation involved about 13 years; this accomplished from about 1932 through the most part of 1945. The Obamanation and his obamanites have, over the past time period of nearly 8 years, realized great strides in their success in their devastation and destruction efforts; their monumental subversive progress and success due in large part . . . if not entirely so . . . by utilizing the plans that were so successfully utilized . . . for a time . . . by the Hitler-National Socialism barbarians. One must always keep in mind that the author of those plans was one and the same; the problem being that Satan has to work with his human dupes/disciples who are like the plates that were spinning on the poles of the vaudeville stage back years ago; the plates spin initially and then begin to wobble and ultimately some fall and break in spite of the performers best efforts. Satans current stage show seems to be encountering similar problems with his dupe disciples that he and his demons possess not the sharpest knives in the drawer!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 04:11:08 +0000

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