THE PEACE & PRESENCE OF GOD IN THE HEAVY TRIALS OF LIFE! “The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous and His ears toward their cry. The face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth. When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.” (Ps.34:15-19) Why are we allowing false teachers to rob us as believers of the consolation found for true believers in the scriptures, when we are hurting and going through deep sorrow in trials? You’re aware of it, the mentality of modern day “teachers” in America that promote the idea that “God wants you healthy, wealthy & happy!” Such as the Osteen’s (Joel & Victoria) promote to the applause of HUGE audiences making them rich! Face it … people like to hear that God is their “Santa Claus” and wants to shower them with “stuff!” Like the false prophets in Jeremiah’s day who cried “Peace, Peace … when there is no peace!” (Jer.6:14;8:11), and then mock or lock away the men of God who speak truth & encourage people to dig deeper in the Word and find God’s consolation & comfort when their world seems to be falling apart. Just because we are Christians does not mean our lives may not be deeply tested or our hearts weighed down with great pain. Those of us who’ve walked with Jesus for any amount of time KNOW THIS EXPERIENTIALLY, and we have found that deep abiding “peace that passes all understanding” to support & guide us through the suffering. You and I, if we think about it, have probably witnessed firsthand, saints who have suffered greatly through loss or persecution for their faith and we’ve marveled at the GRACE OF GOD displayed in their lives & families. (I am watching a dear sister in Christ, whom we’ve known for over 40 years, go through just such a trial right now.) Dear friends, we may not possess that incredible grace UNTIL we face such times in our own lives … but WHEN those trials comes, we DO have examples that God has set before us, to encourage us to “press on” and “cast all our cares on Him” knowing that He cares for us! Dear friends, God’s eyes are upon the righteous and His ears ARE open to our cries. Notice, God HEARS AND DELIVERS out of ALL OUR TROUBLES! He is NEAR to the brokenhearted. Notice MANY are the afflictions of the righteous (ask Peter, John the Baptist, Paul … Jesus) … yet, IN HIS TIME and THROUGH HIS OWN MEANS … He DELIVERS US OUT OF THEM ALL. Rest in Him, find your consolation and strength in Him … know He will NEVER forsake you … NEVER … NO NEVER! And when you are going through heaviness (as Peter reminded us we would have [I Pet.1:6,7]) look to the example God has given you through the testimony of others. God IS our comforter, our sustainer, our deliverer!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 15:51:05 +0000

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