THE STORY IS YET TO BE COMPLETED BUT JUST READ & THE HOW THE TRAITOR FAMILIES OF NEHRU ARE PLAYING WITH OUR SECURITY SENTIMENTS OF WE HINDUSTANIS. DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF ALL RANKS OF SEVENTH INFANTRY BRIGADE WHO LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES FOR MATRUBHOOMI HINDUSTAN IN THE BATTLE OF NAMKA CHU IN OCTOBER 1962. This book was born in a Prisoner of war camp in Tibet on a cold bleak night. On the night of 21st November 1962, I was woken up by the Chinese Major in charge of my solitary confinement with shouts of good news-good news”. He told me that Sino-Indian war was over and that the Chinese Government had decided to withdraw from all the areas that they had overrun, in their lighting campaign. When I asked the reason for this decision, he gave me this Peking inspired answer: “India and china have been friends for thousands of years and have never fought before. China does not want war. It is the reactionary Indian government that was bent on war. So the Chinese counter attacked in self-defence and liberated all our territories in NEFA & LADAKH, in just one month. Now we have decided to go back as we do not want to settle the border problem by force & we do not have anything against the people of Hindustan as we both have been friends for thousands of years. We have proved that you are no match for us Chinese”. He concluded with this supercilious and patronising remark. “We hope that the Indian government will now see sense and come to the conference table at once so that 1.200 million Chinese & Indians can get on with their national & nation development plans and halt the western Imperialism”. This kindergarten homily was, and remains, the most humiliating moment of my seven month captivity and indeed my life. That night I experienced a wave of bitter shame for my country. In my grief I took a solemn vow that one day I would tell the truth about how, we let ourselves reach such a sorry pass. With time heavy on my hands, as I had no radio, newspapers or books, I brooded over Hindustan’s humiliation and the fate of our Army & my command. I was a haunted man from the time I disused about writing the book, with some of the news reporters who were the pawns in the hands of those traitors congress & the Nehru families. I decided to run away from my country & settle over here in Nepal for the fear of safety of my family”. I was repatriated, along with all the other officers of field rank, on the morning of 4th May 1963. We reached Barrackpore, the military Airport at Calcutta (now known as Kolkatta) at mid-night but could not land there and were diverted to Dum-Dum Airport. We deplaned and were greeted with correct military protocol, tinged with chill reserve. It was only later that I found out that we had to clear ourselves of the charge of having been brainwashed- a strange charge from this same congress government which was brainwashed into championing china’s cause for more than a decade. Without a doubt the prisoners had been declared outcasts. Apparently we should have atoned for the past national sins of omission and commission with our lives. Our repartition was embarrassing as the National spotlight had again been focused on the Sino-Indian Conflict.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 11:41:19 +0000

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