THE WORD FOR YOU TODAY: Did you know that GOD is not angry with - TopicsExpress


THE WORD FOR YOU TODAY: Did you know that GOD is not angry with the world because of sin? Thats 1 of the reasons why JESUS came to earth. GOD has passed that level of being angry with men because of their sins. HE has dealt with the issue for good. GOD is now angry at any man who refuses to believe in the name of HIS Son JESUS. Why is HE angry at that?-Because by refusing to believe in JESUS, youre refusing to be saved; it is saying you dont want to be saved. When you get saved, you receive forgiveness of your sins through the blood of CHRIST-EPHESIANS 1:7 because in the process of getting saved, you happen to come into the body of CHRIST where GOD has granted forgiveness for all sins that was, is & can ever be committed & this forgiveness is available for all men. All a man needs to do is to believe in JESUS & consequently come into HIM & receive this forgiveness. Anyone who believes in the name of JESUS will be saved-ROMANS 10:11. GOD provided a means whereby we can be saved through JESUS & rejecting this means is like saying to GOD Forget! I dont want & dont need to be saved & this is also like telling GOD Who asked YOU to save me? Did i tell YOU i wanted to be saved? GOD loved us so much to the point that HE could not bear to watch us perish in our sins & destruction just like that. Because of HIS love, HE was compelled to do something to help us get out of our mess & that was where JESUS CHRIST came into the picture. HE(JESUS) was willing to come die in our place, HIS life instead of ours in order that HE may liberate us from the power of sin which was our master & we its slaves since whoever commits & practices sin is the slave of sin-JOHN 8:34. Anyone(whether that person is the worst person on earth according to mans classification or not, whether that person is black, white, Chinese, Brazillian, or not etc.), who dares to believe in JESUS CHRIST will be saved. What does it mean to believe in JESUS? GOD wants all men living under the sun to be saved. Refusing to be saved is disobeying GOD because GOD has commanded that all men should be saved & come into CHRIST. If you have not been saved, try to do so because GOD wants you to. Only those who are saved will see & enter GODs Kingdom. The Kingdom is already here & in existence. The primary reason why JESUS came was to let men know about the Kingdom of HIS FATHER. Being saved means to give your life entirely to CHRIST for HIM to control or to become a child of GOD or to become born again or to believe in the name of JESUS; which ever way you may chose to put it so it can best suit you. People find out about the Kingdom of GOD when it is preached like what im doing now & they force their ways into it by doing what is required to get into it and to enjoy its benefits and rights or privileges-MATHEW11:12/LUKE 16:16. NOW, HOW TO BE SAVED? STEP 1: Believe in your heart that JESUS, the SON of GOD died for you and was raised from the dead. STEP 2: Confess audibly with your mouth that JESUS is LORD over your life from this day forward. *READ ROMANS 10:5-13 When you make this confession, JESUS comes into your heart and you get rescued from the Kingdom of darkness & transfered into the Kingdom of Light, which is the Kingdom of GODs SON. You now become a member of GODs family because you have been reconciled with GOD through HIS SON. You are now a new creature. You are not the same person you were before you made that confession. Something has happened to you spiritually which will affect you gradually in the physical in a positive way. 2 CORINTHIANS 5:16-21.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 22:38:12 +0000

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