THINGS PLAYING OUT HOW I SAID THEY WOULD... IN JUNE!!!!! If you have not actually READ and WATCHED the video in my last post: POTENTIAL CLASH TOMORROW BETWEEN BORDER SHERIFFS AND MILITIA, I am very concerned about a REPEAT of the Bundy Ranch. That is what the video in that last post is from. It’s 8 minutes, and if you have not watched it, you have TRULY done yourself a disservice. NEVER did I think I would EVER see what happened on that video here in America… and it was defused almost by dumb luck. The director who was documenting the whole thing, realized a lot of people were about to die… and did the BRAVEST thing I have ever seen a real person do in real life. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. That said, I heard somewhere today that the militia ARE going to be told to stand down tomorrow… and I know the Bundy militia didnt take that well, and many of those same folks are on the border. NOW… with this protest having to be cancelled because of threats from the Cartels… the “THREE WAY CONFRONTATION” I spoke about being afraid of in posts back in June, is now right on the edge of materializing. Chalk up another one for me in having the foresight to see how all this would play out. It doesnt mean it HAS to end bad… but back in June when I said this would happen… instead of saying to losen my Tin Foil Hat or that I was nuts… I wish someone would have listened. The LAST thing a heated Bundy style showdown needs is trigger happy, or instigating Cartel involved… so I find Barak Obama in even BIGGER dereliction of duty by not only failing to faithfully enforce the laws of this nation as Article II requires him to, and as he has sworn to do, but in the process he has endangered who knows how many Americans lives??? Barack Obama gave civilians little choice but to step into harms way to protect their loved ones, when he chose to not only fail to faithfully enforce the laws, but also when he called off the border patrol. God forbid anything happens to one… or more… I won’t even write what I hope the country decides to do when fathers don’t come home to their kids because Barry was too busy playing politics to man the borders.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 18:53:50 +0000

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