THIS DILEMMA IS ONE FOR ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR : NATIVE INDIAN, MULATTOS, MIXED,MEXICAN, HISPANIC. WE HAVE NO TRUE IDENTITY LIKE. CAUCASIAN, EUROPEAN....WE HAVE BEEN INDOCTRINATED BY SEPARATIST GROUPS WHO HAVE FORMULATED OUR ABILITY TO ACCESS THE TRUE IDENTITY OF OUR PEOPLE. MAYBE WE SHOULD TAKE THE LANGUAGE OF YAHWEH...... YOU/WE ARE IDENTIFIED BY THE CHARACTERISTICS OF YAHWEH AND HIS SON...NOT THE COLOR OF OUR SKIN OR THE GRADE OF OUR HAIR. We should classify ourselves as : of the seed of Abraham by birth or by being adopted and grafted into the branch/>>>>THE 2 OLIVE TREES.....................THIS IS WHAT WE SHOULD FIND IDENTITY IN AFTER WE FIND OUR NATURAL IDENTITY:The entire tree that had been planted in perfection, had become totally leavened. In Jeremiah 11:17, Yahweh tells all with ears to hears that the tree has divided and its branches will be cut off because of the sin and wicked evil found in the two olive trees, CALLED OR KNOWN AS THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL (TEN TRIBES) AND THE HOUSE OF YEHUDAH (two tribes plus Levi). The single nation typified by the image of the olive tree, had tragically split into TWO OLIVE TREES OR TWO SEPARATE HOUSES. THE DIASPORA OF THE LOST-TEN-TRIBES OF ISRAEL Even after their division into two houses, Yahweh would further the discipline by cutting off ALL THE BRANCHES of both trees via fire. Fire is symbolic of His wrath and indignation. This prophetic truth was clearly outlined by Jeremiah and Ezekial, who were both major prophetic contemporaries of Zechariah. Thus Yahweh provided Zechariah the understanding from Scripture. Scripture, Scripture, Scripture! Instead of looking to Scripture, Zechariah looked towards the skies for a rhema word from an angel. Sound familiar? Today as in the past 2500 years since Zechariah, born again believers are looking to emotion, logic, human teachers, rabbis, steering committees and web sites, before they make up their minds about the two olive trees of ISRAEL. Yahweh planted one Israel that became two nations through division and eventually both nations were laid bare before all the nations, as branches both natural and unnatural or cultivated and uncultivated were cut off. How ironic it is, that so much of Zechariahs very own writings were talking about some aspect of the two houses of Israel, Ephraim and Judah. He just could not seem to identify the olive trees in the heavenly vision, the very thing that he was writing about and that was so very familiar to him. Zechariah 11:14 is a perfect example. There he described the broken brotherhood between the two olive trees, by literally taking his staff called Unity and breaking it in two, to display to his people the ongoing broken brotherhood between Israel (Ephraim) and Judah. Notice how they were still two separate olive tree nations, even after the Jewish return from Babylonian captivity. This Scripture along with others, conclusively proves once and for all that both houses or all 12 tribes of Israel, were never fully reconstituted at the time of the return of the Jewish exiles from Babylon, that had occurred just prior to Zechariahs ministry. (The two houses also could not possibly have been reunited in any manner during the return of Jewish Israel to Torah during the reign of Josiah. Josiahs reign predated the Babylonian exile by 100 years and Zechariah clearly reveals that the brotherhood was still broken well over a hundred years after that very same exile had ended!) .... [B. ROSS]
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 02:43:16 +0000

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