THIS IS MIKE MALLOY... HE LIVES IN ATLANTA !! ANYONE GOT THIS ASSHOLES ADDRESS ?? I AM SURE SOME PATRIOTS ROUND ATLANTA WOULD LOVE TO TAKE HIM UP ON HIS OFFER !!! HE SAYS.... If You Are An NRA Member, This Liberal Wants You Slaughtered”>>> Right !!!! Radical leftist Mike Malloy is no stranger to creating controversy on his radio show. Last year, he engaged in an on-air fantasy about fatally stabbing U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. His murderous tendencies have apparently yet to subside, though his most recent targets are members of the National Rifle Association. Late last month, he detailed his plans to shoot an NRA member because he disapproves of the organization’s support of self-defense. “Come on down to Georgia,” he said, “and I’ll be packing heat and you be packing heat or whether you want to or not, I don’t give a d—n, it’s up to you. And you come, meet me someplace, and all of a sudden, see – we have stand your ground here – and all of a sudden I’m going to feel real g—d— threatened by you! And I will shot you!” Just days later, however, he proved his outrageous stance against the pro-gun group still rages strong as he compared its members to Nazis in no uncertain terms. To make matters worse, he advocated the death of far more Second Amendment supporters in his latest rant. He concluded that “NRA members are the current incarnation of the brownshirts from Germany back in the early ‘30s, late ‘20s, early ‘30s.” Taking that absurd comparison to homicidal heights, he expressed a desire for current gun rights activists to face a similar fate. “Now, of course, there came the Night of the Long Knives when the brownshirts were slaughtered and dumped in the nearest ditches when the power structure finally got tired of them,” he said. “So I look forward to that day.” This is now the type of rhetoric America has come to expect from the gun-grabbing left. Whether expressed in more diplomatic terms by elected politicians or in the insane tirades of Mike Malloy, threats against individual liberty have reached an unsettling point. Such direct promises of violence only make it more imperative that defenders of the Second Amendment never leave home unarmed. ANYONE GOT THIS ASSHOLES ADDRESS ?? I AM SURE SOME PATRIOTS ROUND ATLANTA WOULD LOVE TO TAKE HIM UP ON HIS OFFER !!! https://mikemalloy/
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 02:16:22 +0000

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