TM20141202 TODAYS MESSAGE : He becometh poor that dealeth - TopicsExpress


TM20141202 TODAYS MESSAGE : He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich (Proverbs 10:4). Diligence is an attribute we all must possess. Diligence is the capacity to perform with intense concentration and focus. Diligence is what brings eagerness, determination and perseverance into play when pursuing a defined objective or performing a given task. The opposite of diligence is slothfulness, which is what we call laziness in every day parlance. You may have the best of gifts, attend the best of schools and secure the best of jobs, but how far you will go in life and how well you will prosper will ultimately depend on how diligent you are. Even if you happen to be disadvantaged in so many areas of life, the discipline of diligence, if you have it, can change lifes equations in your favour. If you want your life to count here on earth, youve got to be diligent. But diligence does not only count for this life; it also impact on your afterlife. Diligence in our spiritual living, in our relationship with the Lord is required of every child of God. For example, we are admonished to to hearken diligently to the word of God (Exodus 15:26). The child of God is expected to take heed to himself and keep his soul diligently (Deuteronomy 4:9). Whatever we are doing for God or for his house must be done diligently (Ezra 7:23). We are encouraged to show diligence in seeking God, for He is always a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). I suppose that even though Lazurus was described as righteous, the virtue of diligence was lacking in his life. Consequently he lived a beggarly life here on earth and was as good as a second class citizen in heaven. I once read a piece about the bee which adequately illustrates this subject of diligence. The bee has been aptly described as busy. To produce one pound of honey, the bee must visit 56,000 clover heads. Since each head has 60 flower tubes, a total of 3,360,000 visits are necessary to give us that pound of honey for the breakfast table. Meanwhile, that worker bee has flown the equivalent of three times around the world. To produce one tablespoon of honey for our toast, the little bee makes 4,200 trips to flowers. He makes about ten trips a day to the fields, each trip lasting twenty minutes average and four hundred flowers. A worker bee will fly as far as eight miles if he cannot find a nectar flow that is nearer. Although the bee is a very dangerous insect, the diligence of the bee that leads to the production of honey which is precious to man has turned it into an object humans have to associate with. Friends, when you feel that diligence and persistence is a difficult task think of the bee, emulate its diligence, and your life shall be sweeter than honey. ~ FURTHER BIBLE READING - LUKE 15:1-10. ~ Exercises. 1. What is your topic for todays message? 2. What new lessons have you learned? Please write it down in your journal. 3. What steps would you now take and what would be your prayer points? 4. If you have been blessed by this message, please share it with your friends and loved ones. ~
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 10:12:55 +0000

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