TO ALL PARENTS: I have illustrated over and over again how we are - TopicsExpress


TO ALL PARENTS: I have illustrated over and over again how we are slowly but surely becoming a communist country. Thirteen years ago I was a guest speaker on a radio talk show, and I took specific laws passed in the United States and compared them to the Communist Manifestos direction on how to impose communism. Even then, I proved that many of our liberties are totally gone and that our Constitutional rights were being ignored. But of all the evil being committed against our citizens, the Common Core curriculum being forced on your children today is the most horrid. It is simply communism 101. I listened to the testimony of hundreds of Florida teachers, parents, and educators who explained the material and types of lessons being used and these parents are living the hell of these standards already. If we allow the government to implement it, we WILL become a communist country once and for all because that generation of kids will be raised to value communist thinking and Godless ideals. They will be raised as willing slaves of the state. Truthfully, we already see this happening statewide because of teachers union ties to communists. Were seeing the effects all around us. Many of our youth today, when asked, do not believe in absolute truth. They regard the Soviet Union as having good principles. They do not know anything about our founders, our Constitution, and basic natural law. Common Core is just a way of stealing once and for all your sovereignty as a parent. First let me say, I was educated entirely in the public schools for 12 years, so I know all too well what is being taught and the agenda behind it. I had to file discrimination charges against my teacher because he cut my grade simply because I was a Christian, and I won the case. I was picked out and ridiculed for my faith in multiple courses and bullied by teachers. So it is a real problem and has been for years. But common core will make this a common practice throughout the county. Secondly, I want to make clear that what Im about to say is not meant to condemn, but is meant to illustrate the true reality of the situation and meant as an encouragement and rally cry with the hope of saving this nation. For some or many of you, it may convict you, and that is not a bad place to be because it will drive you to your knees and into the arms of a Holy God. And that is where we all must be if theres any hope at all to save this nation. We can gripe all day long, call our leaders, plead with teachers, and drive ourselves nuts, but if we wont repent and turn from our wicked ways, then God will not hear us and he cannot bless us. His Word is clear on that, but He says that if we will humble ourselves and repent and seek His Face, then he will heal and save us. I have no doubt that if we fail to take the principled courageous steps that Im about to plead, then weve just surrendered our kids and our nation to Godless government rulers wholl control you and everything you hold dear. And further you might as well spit on the graves of every person, like my grandfather, who ever wore a uniform and/or died for your freedoms. So what should you do? In most instances and in most areas of the country, the best thing you can do is to pull your kids from these centers of Godless indoctrination. Afterall, you are as a parent, whether you like it or not, completely responsible and charged by God with training up your child in the way he or she should go and to raise them in the nurture and admonishment of the Lord. It is not the teachers job, the government, or even the churches job primarily. It is first and foremost your job, and God uses very tough language in regards to what happens if a parent takes that responsibility lightly. So if your children are rotten, dont blame the schools. Youre the one that sent them there to have their faith in God criticized, their conscience confused, their minds corrupted, and their spirits demoralized. If you did not know that was happening then youre either in total denial or your simply not involved enough in your childrens lives. Simply get them the hell out of there! There is more than enough money, help, and materials to educate your children locally by pooling your resources with other fed up parents to share the burden in local homes, churches, or community buildings. If all else fails, home school. My wife was home schooled and turned out much wiser than me. As an immediate help today to try to slow common core, if you feel you must keep your kids in the public school, you can go to your states Department of Education website and see if theres a public forum, like there is in Florida. (If youre in Florida, you can go to and write your disapproval.) Please call your Governors, Senators, and Reps to let them know that you oppose this and will not keep your kids in the schools. Friends, weve gotta quit thinking were still dealing with a fair free country. Our government leaders have proven clearly, they arent gonna listen unless you 1) cut off the money and 2) cut off the power. Taking your kids from the schools accomplishes both of those immediately. I also came up with another fiscal solution to this problem about eight years ago, and am presenting it to my elected officials and others. I urge for each state to pass a law that requires, if a community chooses to have a property tax, then the portion of the property tax that goes to the schools, must be allowed to be dispersed to whatever school or educator the payee of those taxes sees fit. That way, if youre trying to pay for private school, your money goes to that school. If youre home schooling, then the money goes into your private account set aside for education. This plan works, and it restores the first amendment rights of parents in this regard. To explain that further, right now Christians and anyone who does not believe in the religion that the public schools are teaching -- human secularism, relativism, evolution, and atheism to name a few -- are being forced to fund the establishment of that religion, which is in direct violation of the first amendment. So we need to stop this. I beg you, if you care about your children and their survival in a free republic, make the bold move to follow your God-ordained duty and save those kids from this anti-Christian anti-American Communist Indoctrination Center that is the public school system. There are usually three phases a person goes through when theyre presented a crisis. First is denial. Second is fear and immobilization. And third is acceptance and a willingness to do something about it. We do not have time for the first two phases. If you are camped there, then move on to the third phase for Gods sake. You have been warned and God will prove whether these words are prophetic. George Washington told us to raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair and then to trust in God. I simply ask you to follow his proclamation. If youve decided to make the stand to save your kids from the public schools, comment or like below (unless you feel it would harm you in some way). God sees your action and thats all that matters. But there is power in numbers, and I would like to see real movement on this. Thus the reason to add your Like or comment in support. Im not asking for debate from this post. I know theres a lot of teachers out there who feel caught in the middle. Ive heard all the arguments and excuses. I also speak on my own behalf as I know there are people in my party who will disagree with me, while many will agree. But I simply must follow what I believe to be Gods direction first and foremost. Ill end with this. In the end of your life, is God gonna ask you, did you protect the job of your good hearted friend who was a public school teacher or is He gonna ask you, did you train up your child in my ways and in my Word. It will be the later. Ryan Sharp, Florida
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 06:37:03 +0000

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