TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I am writing with a complaint about the - TopicsExpress


TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I am writing with a complaint about the fast moving traffic and darkness of Adams Street, located in Rochester, Pennsylvania. I am a long time member of the Rochester Turners located on Pennsylvania Avenue, and also a volunteer at the Rochester Turners Bingo Hall on Adams Street. There is simply no lighting or safety for our bingo hall employee’s or the customers that are with us every Monday & Friday evenings. In addition, we have now had at least 3 bingo players fall this year alone and get badly hurt, or almost hit by a moving vehicle while crossing the street. The incident which happened on Friday, March 21, 2014 we had to call 911 because this woman literally broke her face open and had to be rush to the hospital, because she tripped and fell across the street in behind AAA parking lot due to bad lighting. I know that you are aware that majority of the bingo players are older women, and they do frequent the same halls on their set bingo nights. This issue is becoming a growing concern to us along with our customers, especially when they witnessed how badly injured this poor woman was on Friday evening. They are either afraid of tripping and falling on either side of Adams Street (as they are both horrible), or even safely crossing Adams street to get to their cars since it seems to be a speedway since the “Round About” was placed into effect since they no longer have to wait at the red lights. Even if there was a way that on Monday & Friday evenings that we could place a well lite crosswalk so that the high traffic of Pedestrians can be seen and cross the road safely to their cars without the fear of falling over a cracked sidewalk or getting hit by fast moving car. From the beginning of the Federal Credit Union Building up to the corner where the flower shop ends, the sidewalks are brick, tore up by the gas company on numerous occasions and have never been replaced. The cross walk is located at this corner, which in turn means our customers must walk this in the night while this is uneven, slippery, missing bricks, and very dangerous for anyone to walk through. The sidewalk from the Credit Union down to the farther corner is paved and maintained by the bank. I am not certain of the county ordinances, but I do believe that the owners should have to repair/replace this due to the unsafe conditions. A few months back, I contacted the Rochester Boro building in regards to the snow that was piled over 2 feet high on our sidewalks, causing an even bigger problem on top of the lighting and speeding cars. This made us cancel Bingo two nights that month due to the ice piles that remained from the scrapping of Adams Street. However my calls went un-answered and nothing was ever done to correct this. I am hoping the same does not happen with this letter that I am writing, and I am hopeful that you are willing to make some changes to accommodate a local business. As County officials of Rochester, I know you are very busy, and problems with lighting and crossing the street safely at night may be trivial to you; however, this issue affects the safety of every driver, cyclist, or pedestrian who uses this intersection, which is a “State Route” if I am correct. I hope you make fixing this issue a top priority. I am at the bingo hall every Monday and Friday evening from 5:30pm until 10:30pm and would be happy to provide you or anyone in your office more information about the problem. Thank you so much for your time, and we look forward to having a resolution to this problem or at least the time and efforts of someone looking further into this matter. Sincerely, Misty Hahn 724-312-1414 Cc: Rochester Mayor’s Office Cc: Senator Elder Vogel Jr. Cc: Rochester Turners
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:51:54 +0000

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