TORY ATTACKS THE UNEMPLOYED - BUT WANT THEIR SUPPORT In the final day of the Conservative Party conference, David Cameron pleaded to the Scots not to vote for independence. “We are better as one nation” is what he said in his final speech. But in that same speech, he warned the long termed unemployed, that he was going to reduce their benefits. He was going to remove housing benefits to the under 25s, forcing them to stay at home with parents. His chancellor, George Osborne, also hit out at the unemployed with threats of benefit cuts. But the biggest threat of all came from Employment Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith. He set out his plans to force unemployed people to turn up at the jobcentre daily and stay there all day, and even making them work full time without pay, or risk losing their benefits. This is the same trio that brought about the ‘bedroom tax’ for unemployed people, living in council owned property, with a ‘spare bedroom’. One clear fact that we can glean from recent events and the party conference is that the Conservatives do not have any respect for people who are unfortunate enough to find themselves out of work. This Conservative government has attacked and insulted unemployed people since they took office. They seem to have missed the fact that many middle class people have lost their jobs and are now finding it difficult to obtain alternative employment. These same people, who used to go out to work and earn their way, are now looked upon in the same light as those who have never worked, never intend to work, and have become unemployable. And yet, the aforementioned gentlemen all expect votes and support from all of the above, whom they have insulted day after day. And the plea to Scots is that they want us to vote NO in the referendum for Scottish Independence. And then they want us to vote Conservative at the next general election. From the day the Conservatives took office with their Liberal counterparts, they have given the independence YES campaign a huge boost. The ‘bedroom tax’, benefit cuts and the future removal of civil liberties from the unemployed is a great reason for voting YES in the independence referendum in September 2014. One fact that also comes out of all this; the Conservatives don’t employ spin doctors to make bad news sound good. The message that keeps coming out from the Conservatives is vote for us and we will cut your benefits and make your life a total nightmare. I think they have missed a trick here. Politicians are supposed to persuade you to vote for them, by waving some ‘nice things’ in your face as a reward, if you vote for them. There’s one thing you can be certain about. The Conservatives will be lucky to be re-elected at the next general election, unless a great many people have very short memories.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 10:15:45 +0000

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