TREATMENT - PART 3: i began my first radiation treatment on a - TopicsExpress


TREATMENT - PART 3: i began my first radiation treatment on a monday also taking chemo pills twice daily. Radiation takes on a few minutes to complete. I leave paris and come to camden and stop at walmart. I get inside to get a buggy and barely get back outside to the garbage can to vomit. Im already so sick i have to go to the car and let my wife do the shopping. I dont remember how many more times i vomited that day but at least everytime i tried to eat. I go tue to my next appointment which is 5 days a week as well as the chemo pills. By the 3rd day i have vomited around the clock and not kept a bite of food down. We express our concern and we get nausea medication. If helps but dosent allow me to eat without vomiting. Thursday they send me to the hospital for fluids because i so dehydrated i cant hardly stand up. I leave the hospital vomiting. I finally have to go to ER on friday because i can even stand up. They admit me and call my cancer dr. in jackson. He says if i keep vomiting to transfer me to jackson but when they tell him i keep vomiting he changes his mind and they keep me there for a couple of days recieving fluids until they get me back on my feet and send me home. I go back to paris on monday for more radiation but no chemo pills. They say i cant handle both at the same time. I receive mondays radiation and start my vomiting again when i get home. They take me off the rest kf the weeks treatment. I get better and able to get around fairly well until mondays treatment. I take 4 more days and vomit all 4 days. By friday i am back in the same boat. My wife and dad have to tote me to the car because i can raise my head off my pillow. Keep in mine im in bed 24 hours a day except for the treatments. My wife and dad trying to feed me and i was even throwing up ice immediately after swallowing it. I couldnt keep anything down. So i get to the ER on friday even and they check my vitals give me some more fluids a phenergan shot and wheelchair me to my car throwing up in the barf bag they give me to take with me. I had spent the weekend before in theif hospital so i assume they didnt want me the second weekend. I get home get back in bed and make it til morning when once again my wife and dad tote me to the car and wd go to jackson ER. Hoping to get closer to my dr.s so they can have an idea how bad i am being that i have not actually seen any of my treatment dr.s during this 3 week period. Maybe once and they didnt seem concerned that i couldnt stand up on my own. Let me sum it up. During this 3 weeks was my time in hell. I was so sick that i could not get out of bed except with help to get to the vehicle. I would like to say that the nurses and staff at tje cancer care center are the best. They were concerned and tried to help everyway they could but were limited to the dr.s orders. So i get to the jackson ER and once again im admited and this time im there for 4 or 5 days. I have to have 4 units of blood because i had been vomiting blood for several of those days. I had to have fluids the whole time i was in there. During my stay there i get another scope run down me to see whats going on. Well now im thinking maybe they are back in the game and trying to help me. I get my appetite back at least and eat tomato soup constantly since thats all they will let me have. Then they make me go nearly 18 hours with no food at all so they can do this scope. It was only suppose to be about 8 hours but they got busy and couldnt get to me until almost dark the following evening and it was suppose to have been that morning. During this stay until the scope results my cancer dr.s visited daily and ask how im doing but still know answers as whats going on or whats next. Then i get my scope results back and they say something is going on with my liver but theh dont know what. Hello? I need to know. Well we see something but not sure what. We dont think the cancer has spread but we dont know for sure. But my blood vessels in my esophagus are bleeding and thats why im vomiting blood. The very next statement out of my dr.s mouth is "what do i want to do?". Hello dummy? I want to get better. Thats why im here and why im under your care. At this point my brother and dad start making arrangements to get me transferred to vanderbuilt. They said i was to unstable to transport yet i have been there for 4 days and im still unstable and they dont know whats wrong with me. I have to stay another night but meantime my brother and dad are talking to folks in vanderbuilt about getting me in up there. So we talk them im to dismissing me the next night. We come home and i get to sleep in my own bed until the next morning when we are on our way to vanderbuilt ER. Finally maybe we can get some good care and answers.......VANDERBUILT - PART 4 coming soon.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 03:43:54 +0000

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