# TakeBackNigeria: Let’s Take Back Nigeria – Abidemi - TopicsExpress


# TakeBackNigeria: Let’s Take Back Nigeria – Abidemi Babaolowo Oderinlo ~ @enyola #TakeBackNigeria: Let’s Take Back Nigeria – Abidemi Babaolowo Oderinlo ~ @enyola “ We have created 1.6M jobs for our teaming youths in the year 2013, more jobs to come through our transformation agenda” GEJ. Blood flowed from my eyes when I saw pictures of Nigerian youths, united in suffering at different stadia in Nigeria, waiting to write the Nigerian Immigration recruitment examinations. My heart ran out of blood and water was the only fluid in my veins, I went from pale to dead, white like a Mummy exhumed by an archeologist from the pyramids of Egypt. Soon the news of the stampede rent the air, for a strange reason, I wasn’t surprised because I couldn’t feel anything anymore. The Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) has just perfected the act of putting Nigeria in the Guinness Book of World Records with this perfect ruse, 520000 applicants at different test centers across 36 States in a single day? Wow! According to Moro only 4556 (Four thousand, five hundred and fifty six) vacancies existed, that’s approximately 127 positions across the 36 states of the federation, an estimated 40 million unemployed young Nigerians were invited to apply at an imposed fee of N1000. Over 520,000 people applied, perhaps those that could afford to beg, borrow or steal 1k, amounting to over N520M taking from all applicants across the nation. To justify this gate-taking, a ruse was planned and enacted to take place at stadia across Nigeria, with little or no provision for the expected crowd, just to show that the money paid was spent on organizing recruitment test on a mass scale. The ruse was a success, a grand scam that needs no further exaltation than the death of young Nigerians on the altar of disorganization, corruption, carelessness, wickedness all in the name of transformation agenda of president GEJ. This is not the first of its kind, the NDLEA carried out a similar recruitment scam when he was yet an acting President, so it’s just a pattern repeating itself and Nigerian youths are too impoverished to say no to the lure of employment opportunity in public service because of the seeming job security it guarantees. Everybody wants to work in public service, not because they are lazy but majorly because of job security and the truth is that at least 10% of these mammoth crowds are employed, that is still a bad figure for the so-called transformation government of GEJ. In a sane society with good governance, it would have been sensible if after 50000 applicants, an average of 10 applicants for each position, the portal is closed and an announcement is made to explain the closure, every sane Nigerian will understand these conditions and that will override any complaint from any corner or quarters. The NIS that we all know like every other government agency had probably already pre-selected employees based on internal relationship, recommendations and familial grounds and only announced the openings just for the purpose of making money from unsuspecting youths. If you are currently working in any organization, you will know that before job openings are made public, there is always an internal memo to that effect, now imagine the same situation in NIS, pre-selection and other internal procedures must have taken place and the real number of opening left would probably be just 100, now compare that to the number of applications they received. The whole examination was a ruse, an excuse to justify the stealing and now killing of Nigerian youths. I won’t point fingers at GEJ, we already know how much value he places on the life of an average You and I , we’ve lost thousands of Nigerians to terrorism alone in 2014, so ten or twenty dead job seekers is a product of impatience like the Minister of Interior and Comptroller of NIS Abba Moro said, my pain is that we might yet be distracted again and forget in no time, leaving the poor parents of the dead to lick their wounds in silence. Please don’t expect GEJ to sack or reprimand Abba, that won’t bring the dead back to life and it won’t produce the N520M+ either (chicken change) . Besides Moro is a loyal aide of Senate President, David Mark, I am not surprised at his callousness too, he started his life as an “Agbero” (garage boy), and he’s used to the violence and bloodletting that goes on in bus parks. Mrs Nellie Mayshak the DG of Pension Transitional Arrangement Department (PTAD) told the House of Rep. on live TV that there was no documentary evidence on the whereabouts of a missing N24bn released for Police Pension Fund and minutes later Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala already came out to tell us that No money is missing from Police Pension Fund, she said the alleged missing money was discovered to be an over-estimation of pension’s arrears #Gbam! and that’s the end of it. Last year, it was N26Bn pension fund and the criminal simply said the fund was logged in an overseas account when it was discovered. Imagine Naija pensioners’ money growing fat in a UK account. That’s chicken feed compared to the NNPC internal cabal though, not to talk of the NLNG funds that are not accounted for anywhere in Naija’s record books. Now back to reality. We already know that this administration is in total support of Mediocrity, Corruption, Despotism with the army of sleazy men and women in her driving seats, and we are tired of the figures Aunty Ngozi is always coming up with. Even a blind deaf mute knows that this GEJ led crusade is unholy and uncaring, the only working arm of government is the corrupt one, if not, how come Wendell Slim, sorry, Reno “Mockery” is still a special adviser? Still poaching GEJ off special advice I guess. Let’s face the reality, GEJ led administration will neither sack nor punish these plunderers, but we can do it and we must. Imagine an army of youths, 100000 people strong, marching to the house of Diezani to demand # WhereIsOurMoney stolen through NNPC? Yes that’s the approach I am looking at, mass movement to the door step of these thieves. I must commend and praise the media and journalist, they’ve been the punching arm of the people, unraveling and publicizing these atrocities and the sons of Belial behind it, but we know Belial is in the heart of GEJ and there is no way it will prosecute his own, we must come together as a unit and fight this parasitic government with our numbers and strength. If there are over 60000 youths in Abuja that could make it to the NIS examination centre, I am sure they will have enough strength to make it to the house of Ngozi since she’s in charge of the economy to demand #WhereIsOurJob as promised in the transformation agenda. I am going to ask the media and journalist for one more favour, we need the home addresses of these criminals. We want their family, friends, foes and neighbours to feel the stench and heat of their decay and if peradventure the criminals are neighours, it is only right to set their streets on fire without flames or violence but with our rage and anger. I am calling on the Save Nigeria Group , let’s take this to where the flame is coming from, if we must sweat in the sun, let’s do it where it will send a real message and not where it will be of no effect. If they all relocate to Transcorp Hilton Hotel, we move the crusade there, I am a shareholder, so you have the permission roughen my turf Nigerian! Our final crusade ground will be the ASO ROCK, but let’s start pruning this wild tree of GEJ led administration from the branches, once the branches are gone, we put our axes to the root so the stalk can fall without damaging anything the more. To start with, we need physical home addresses of the following people both home and abroad because this corruption saga is a family Ankara that must be torn and shredded by Nigerians and no one else: Name: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Address :????, #WhereIsOurMoney Name : Denziani Allison-Madueke, Address :???? #WhereIsOurOilMoney Name : Andrew Yakubu, Address :???? # WhereIsOurOilMoney Name : Nellie Mayshak, Address :???? # WhereIsOurPPFMoney Name : Mike Okiro, Address :???? # WhereIsOurPPFMoney Name : Abba Moro, Address :???? # WhereIsYourValueForLifeAndOurMoney . . . My head is over boiling right now, I can’t remember more names, let’s forward their names and find where they live and where they hide their families home and abroad, let’s take the dance to their doorsteps, it’s the only way out, waiting for these rulers will yield no result, the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary are all on the same team, we are the opponents, let’s stop waiting for our opponents to score an own-goal, let’s kick the ball into the net and score our points by ourselves. This is a ground war, let’s take it off Twitter, Facebook and other virtual platforms, let’s use them for organization alone. I use this opportunity to call on other Civil Right movement, Activist and Groups; it is time to # TakeBackNigeria let’s End The Tales. Victoria Concordia Crescit… We will only win if we work in harmony, let’s come together as youths, let’s prioritize our lives and future like we prioritize the search for a secured job, let’s flush out this uncaring rulers, let’s change Nigeria for our children.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:03:02 +0000

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